So Many Jutsus

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(Alright guys I want my NaruHina so this is gonna be a short chapter forgive me)

Hinata woke up to the sound of banging on her door.

"Let's go!" Atsuo shouted

She got out of bed and put on training clothes. Hinata knew what he wanted her to wear but she was starving. He said they'll have breaks but she doubted it. She walk over to the door and opened it to see Atsuo in training clothes.

"Ready?" he asked

"Yeah, let's go."

They walked out side to the back.

"Alright you have all 5 chakra natures so I'm gonna help you get new jutsus, you got it?" he told/asked her

She nodded her head and waited for instructions.

"First one is pretty simple. Almost everyone in the land of fire should know it." Atsuo said while getting ready

He did the hand signs horse, serpent, ram, monkey, boar, horse, and tiger. He then inhaled very deeply and exhaled a giant ball of fire. He turned around towards Hinata.

"Now you try it and don't create a small one, if you do you will start over until it's the same size as mine." Atsuo stated sounding super serious

"Fine." was all she said

Hinata did the same hand signs as Atsuo and inhaled deeply then exhaled. Only for her fire ball to be half the size of his. He looked at get and she knew what that meant.

She did it again but it only grew a little since the last time. She repeated this over and over and over again until she finally made. Hinata inhaled deeply and exhaled a fire ball bigger then Atsuo's and burnt some of the trees.

She looked at him and smiled with joy.

"I did it! I did it! And it was bigger than yours!" she jumped up and down cheering

"Yeah whatever." Atsuo said and smiled

"What's next?" Hinata asked

"While today you were going to learn all types of jutsus but Natsuhika wants you to master the beast now." he said stepping aside

"I'm handing you over to him now." he said walking away

"Thank Atsuo." Natsu said, "Are you ready Hinata-chan?" he asked

"Yeah. Let's do it." she said calmly

"Alright now close your eyes and focus. Ficus on you and you only. No one is here, just, you." he said calmly

She followed his instructions and felt as if she were the only one.

'Dense brat.' she heard

Hinata looked up to see a cage and a paw hanging out.

'Who are you? Or better yet what are you?' Hinata asked looking at the cage

'It took you long enough to realize that I existed. But, you should know who I am your arrogant father told you about me.' the voice boomed through out her mind

'Look I'm tired of the games so just tell me who you are.' she demanded

'Feisty aren't we, alright I'll tell you who I am. I am the real ten tails, Kyōfu.' Kyōfu stated opening her eyes

Hinata looked at her then closed her eyes. She focused and began thinking about her seal. Her right shoulder began to glow. Hinata opened her eyes and moved her hand to her shoulder. She placed her hands on it and twisted her hand while the seal slowly opened.

'Hey Kyōfu.' Hinata said to the beast while looking down, 'Your chakra's mine!' she shouted and gave the final twist

Just then the cage flew open releasing the wolf like beast.

'Let's see girl!' the beast shouted back

Hinata wasted no time she created a shadow clone, they ran in front of the beast on either side of her face.

'Eight trigrams...AIR PALM!' they shouted in sync

The blast to the wolf's face startled her. The wolf looked down at Hinata screaming 'stupid brat' it leaned back and created a tailed beast bomb shooting it at Hinata.

She barely dodged it and looked at the beast breathing heavily.

'Dammit, stupid...I'LL END IT NOW!' Hinata said and created three shadow clones (the first was destroyed)

They activated their Bykugan and spread out, two together looking at the chakra points.

'I don't know if this will work, but we got try it.' the first Hinata said

'Eight trigrams 128 palms.' they were in sync and started attacking the same chakra point twice

The beast collapsed and stayed down. She smiled and saw its chakra leak out, Hinata grabbed it and slowly pulled it. Going back further and further dragging the chakra until it completely engulfed her body. She was covered in a light blue colored and had wolf ears and eyes.

'By Kyōfu, you aren't really anything to fear.' Hinata said closing her seal

'Just don't lose yourself kid, cause I'll be waiting.' the wolf said

Hinata opened her eyes and smiled looking at Natsu smiling.

"Did you get it?" he asked

She nodded her head and jumped up and hugged him, knocking them to the ground.

"Thank you so much." she said

"Yeah, you're welcome." he said lifting them both up

{Time- skip}

After years of training, learning, and bonding the three years that Hinata was allowed to be away from the village it was time to head back.

"Wake up Hinata we need to leave." the crimson eyed boy saiding shaking the navy haired girl

"Whaaaattt?" she said turning over

"Those stories about your Hokage sounded like she liked meant what she said and didn't like when stuff didn't go her way. So I guess you should get up, or your gonna be in a world of pain." the he said walking out

"Jerk." Hinata said sitting up

"Love you too." he yelled back at her

She rolled her eyes and smiled while getting up. Hinata washed up and got ready, packing everything she got. The Byakugan user walked down stairs looking at all the boys she has learned to think of as brothers.

"Let's get going." Natsu said

They all nodded and walked outside, then begin running through the forest.


Almost back in Konoha and almost back with Naruto...let the NARUHINA BEGIN

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