Chapter 2

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It was finally open day of the riding school sharply as the four ponies lined up beside the four horses who belonged to amy her cousin and employees as verity hugged amy tightly as she sorted out the stalls sharply as jessie said it will be fine sharply as people began to turn up in force as they saw the stables they said whoa as the kids loved feeding the ponies carrots as the sarda dogs appeared sharply as jess grinned as the three handlers began to put on a display using the dogs sharply chuckling wildly they had been a big help in getting this place up and running amy hired out the arena to them three nights a week.

Two days later four parents signed there children up for lessons as jess smiled as she shook there hands tightly sharply. as the children turned up after school as amy and jess taught them basic horse management sharply as the kids helped to tack up there ponies sharply as jess let them into the arena to acsess how far advanced they were on the four ponies as jess grinned wildly as she said sit up straighter sweetie as one of the riders sat up grinning as amy rode into the arena on nightdancer sharply. as they trotted around the arena after her sharply as jess set up a small lot of jumps as amy said trot on as the followed her quickly as ponies did quick hops to get over the small jumps the kids were saying this is awesome. An hour passed as amy said give it a few lessons and we can go out for a ride as there eyes lit up sharply as the parents arrived jess held the ponies gently as the kids got off as nightdancer snickered beneath amy sharply.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2018 ⏰

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