Chapter 3

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Harryvand Katie arrived at the Styles house at 7 o'clock on the dot, Gemma came running into the hall to meet them, a smile plastered on her face.

"Hello, Harry, dear" she beamed over to Katie.

"Gemma, this is Katie."

"Oh, I've heard so much about you" his sister gushed as she took her hand, Katie smiled widely. "Your way prettier in person, Harry said you were a looker but...WOW."

Katie laughed, her cheeks turning a dark red. She thanked Gemma and then they set off into the kitchen talking like they knew each other for years, Harry wandered into the living room where he found his whole family other then Liam...and Selena. He sat down next to Perrie who was being ignored by Zayn; who was talking to L.C.

"Hello, Harry" she smiled at him, he tried to smile back, but his thoughts of where Liam was and why Selena was with him made him only grin slightly.

"They'll be here any second" Perrie whispered to him, as if she knew what he was thinking.

"Who?" he asked, his voice also in a whisper.

"Liam... and...and Selena."

"Oh....." he trailed off. "I didn't even notice they weren't here."

"Don't lie, Harry" she whispered. "I saw the look the moment you walked in here."

"I'm pathetic...."

"No, I think its cute, if only you could...." she stopped when she was addressed by her husband.

"Perrie, do you think my power slides are cool?"

"Of course" she smiled.

"See, Perrie likes them."

"She's your wife... she's just going to tell you that."

"Harry, what do you think?" Zayn then asked, Harry just looked at him with annoyance in his eyes, but then a sudden smirk rolled onto his full lips, this was his chance to get back at him, even though it was just a stupid thing like power slides.

"Oh... I agree with L.C., I think you should stop with these power slides right now, its gross and disgusting to watch you do it, and your just way to old for them."

"I thought you always liked my power slides..." Zayn trailed off, looking at Harry confused.

"Oh, I like power slides.... and your my brother, but together, its just totally wrong... and I think I may call the police if I see you with them again."

Perrie laughed loudly as Zayn stared at Harry, still very confused, their brother made an annoyed noise with his throat and that made Perrie stop laughing. L.C. was about to say something when the living room was suddenly filled with one more person.

"Sorry, I'm late... traffic was a bitch" Liam sat down on the other side of room, in an arm chair. Harry looked at the arch way that leads into the hall, just waiting for Selena to walk in, but she didn't. Perrie looked at him and then looked over to Liam.

"Hey Liam, where's Selena?" she asked, winking at Harry as she did.

"Oh, she went into the kitchen, but then suddenly ran upstairs before I could get in here, something about bathroom brake... I don't know."

"Oh.... alright" Perrie smiled over to Harry, he smiled back before looking down at his hands, he wondered what Liam and Selena did all day, he wondered if she had ran upstairs once she seen Katie in the kitchen, he wanted to go talk to her so badly, he hadn't heard her voice in ages, every family dinner Harry was weaseled into attending, she never spoke, and she never...ever spoke to him.

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