Chapter 8

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"But I don't want to go to the studio with you and Liam..."

"You have to, you were the one complaining about not having anything to do" Gemma told her.

"Well, I meant someone could give me some freaking driving lessons and let me go out by myself...I can even walk...I don't need to be baby sat."

"Listen" Gemma said, in a hushed tone. "Don't you want to see Harry?"

"What?" Selena asked confused.

"Don't you want to see Harry?"

"No...not really."

"But Perrie already told him that I was making you you have to." " don't allow me to see Harry..." Selena said confused. "No, L.C. doesn't...I however can see how hurt you look."

"So your sneaking around with Perrie to get me to go to the studio to see Harry?" Selena asked surprised. "Pretty much, but I will deny it if you ever say anything to L.C.."

"I won't say anything, but...but Harry's getting married...I don't want to see him, it hurts to much..." hurt evident in her voice.

"We both know he loves you more then I'm not one to back out of something like a wedding, but if he did and got back with you, I would completely understand."

Selena just looked at her, still feeling confused, if she didn't mind having Selena and Harry  together why did she let L.C. break them up? Why didn't she just say let them be happy? Selena was about to ask when L.C. came over.

"Lets get a move on it" he seemed happy, as he talked to Liam as they walked out of the house, the last person out of the house was Selena. She may had been confused by Gemma, but that still didn't make her want to go anymore, she could think of a lot better things to do then go be stuck staring at Harry  for hours on end.

They arrived at the studio where they found Harry, Zayn and Perrie all waiting for them, Perris beamed at Selena, who just smiled slightly back.

Gemma, Perrie and Selena all sat close to one another while the guys messed around doing this and that, randomly singing and playing different instruments.

Harry, Liam and Zayn all came in and out of the booth, talking about things; Selena really didn't understand, and what she really didn't get is why Harry wanted her here, he didn't even look at her one time.

"Someone should go get us some lunch, you three go, I'll stay here with the rest" Gemma  said, pointing to both Zayn and Liam.

"Bring me back a burger" Harry told them.

"Me a salad..." Perrie joined in

"Selena?" Liam asked.

"I'm good..." she trailed off, he just shrugged and the three of them left.

Once they were clear out of ear shot, Gemma  turned to Perrie  and smiled big, Harry had his back turned to them so it was only Selena who noticed this. Perrie then gave a little nod.

"Oh my...I forgot to order what I wanted" Gemma  gushed, standing up quick. "

Oh my gosh" Perrie  gasped, standing up.

"We better go find them before they leave..."

"Why don't you just call them?" Selena asked.

Perrie and Gemma shared worried looks.

"You know very well that they don't answer their phones when they are in the studio...they turn them off" Gemma said quickly.

"No...I didn't know that" Selena stated. "Well, I'll go with you, I probably can run faster."

"NO" Perrie  shouted suddenly.

"Why not?" Selena asked, taken back.

"Um...well we got this under control, right Gemma ?"

"Absolutely...we'll be back" and with that Gemma pulled Perrie  out of the room as quick as they could. Once they were gone Harry  turned around quick, looking at Selena intensely, however Selena was staring off into space, looking the other way.

"I hope they catch up with them..." Harry trailed off, just trying to think of something to say.

"Don't you think I know that you three just hatched up that dumb plan to get me alone...but I don't want to be alone with you...I don't even want to be on the same planet as you."

Schools a bitch. I feel stressed and depressed :/ Here's a short chapter. Enjoy. Comment and vote.

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