Chapter 21

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"Hurry up, Sel, we gotta get to the airport" she heard Gemma yell from downstairs. She sighed, this was it she was going to fly to New York to see Harry and tell him she was pregnant, she didn't know how he was going to take it or what he would do, would he be mad? Angry she didn't tell him sooner? Maybe he wouldn't want anything do to with his child, and he would rather out to his Gemma and L.C. and she would be kicked out...alone, with a baby. She pushed those thoughts from her mind, she had to tell him that was the end of it, but how would she do it? How would it be best phrased?

She thought about this the whole way to the airport, they boarded the plane and her mind was still busy with ways of breaking the news. She sat next to Liam on the plane; he was writing down lyrics on an airsick bag for hours, Selena would look over at him once in awhile, his head was bent over the white bag and his lips were mumbling words she couldn't hear. At last she fell asleep, her brain still trying to think of a plan.

Selena was woken up by Liam hours later, he shaking her wildly, she almost yelled at him, after all she did have a baby on bored now, but he didn't know that...and it was all she could do to make sure he didn't find out. They walked off the plane, and got their luggage only to be greeted by a thrilled looking Katie and a not so happy looking Harry. As soon as Selena saw him her heart began to pump, but not in the normal way, in the nervous way. She almost wanted to scream it out...just scream out that she was pregnant with his baby, it would make it so much easier.

"I rented you all a car so you can just drive to Jersey tomorrow" Harry stated, after their hellos to everyone. "Perrie and Zayn will be checking us all in tonight."

Nothing else was said as they all walked out, Liam, L.C., Harry and Selena all tried to pile in to the little car Harry had rented them.

"Oh, this will not work..." Katie trailed off, she was standing there watching them all try to put all their stuff into the small red car. "Two of you will ride with us."

"Which two?" Liam barked, trying to shove his over sized duffel bag into the small, packed trunk.

"Um...Selena..she is my maid of honor after all..."

"AND?" Liam barked, still.

"Who ever else wants to come..."

"You know, I think we can get everyone else in, you guys take Selena and we'll meet you at the house" L.C. said, Selena looked at him weird, was he saying it was okay for her and Harry to drive to his apartment? Had he just been to busy trying to fit their stuff in the trunk that he couldn't remember who was who? Although Selena thought she saw a gleam in his eye, like he had wanted her to drive with them to see that Harry was happier without her.

Harry carried Selena's bags to their car, he shoved them into the trunk of the car and got in, Katie followed and Selena realized she was just standing in a parking lot looking foolish.

"Hurry up, dear" Katie called from the car, Selena ripped open the door and slide inside the back seat, her eyes were on Harry as they drove out of the parking out. Katie had twisted in her seat and she was now looking at Selena. "I'm so happy you're here...aren't you Harry?"

"Yeah..thrilled" he stated in a cold voice.

"He's a bit grumpy today..." Katie trailed off, with a smile.

"Why?" Selena asked, her eyes taring away from Harry to look at Katie.

"I'm sure its from the stress of the wedding...once its all over he'll be all better."

"Ha..." Harry's voice rang in the car. Katie ignored him and continued to smile at Selena.

"I'm sorry we never got to spend the time together like I moving to New York and all, but it was a chance of a life time...this job, its amazing."

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