Chapter 4

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"Fuck you, make our own sandwich" Selena yelled from the kitchen, everyone was out other then Liam and her, Liam was in the den writing another song while Selena was in the kitchen making herself a sandwich. "MAKE ME ONE!"

"NOOOOOO" she shouted., just then the doorbell rang.

"Your lucky, I was about to come out there and smack you around" she heard Liam say.

"Oh, come at me, virgin."


She laughed as she pulled open the door, but soon her laughing died and a gasp fell from her mouth.

"I... I forgot my key..." he trailed off, she didn't say anything, just walked away, back into the kitchen, he followed close behind her. She went back to making her sandwich, acting as if he wasn't there, but how could she when his eyes were burning into her, watching her every move. "Liam's in the den..." she trailed off, her voice in a whisper. He smiled, that was the first time she had talked to him in months.

"I'm good."

She didn't say anything back and walked into the living room where she sat down and turned on the TV, he of course followed her into the living room and sat down on the couch as well, she sighed heavily, trying not to look at him.

"So, what's new?" he asked, but suddenly regreted it, she just looked at him, her face blank.

"Your...your. brother  and sister wouldn't want you sitting here." "Theyre not here...." he trailed off.

"Liam is."

"Where is he?"

"In the den... I said that already." "Writing?"

"Yes." She was being so short with him and he hated it, he sat back and sighed, he wanted nothing more than to pull her close to him, kiss her soft lips as he made passionate love to her.

"And as for what's new....nothing's new" she stated, bringing him back from his fantasy of making love to her.

"I heard from David that you dropped out of school... why the hell did you do that?"

"Its none of your god damn business or David's" she stated.

"Well, why did you drop out?" he asked.

"I didn't want to go anymore.... I'm taking classes here, Gemma and L.C. wouldn't just let me stop school all together."

"I wouldn't let you either..." he trailed off.

"I never listened to you, and I still don't now.... why are you even talking to me?" she barked at him.

"I wanted to..." he trailed off, she suddenly jumped up.

"Well, I don't want to talk to you, now leave me alone and go find Liam, and give him this because I'm suddenly not hungry anymore and he wanted it so damn bad" she slammed the sandwich plate into his hands and rushed up the stairs. Harry sighed as he got up and made his way into the den.

"You got my sandwich or am I going to have to put you over my knee?" Liam asked, Harry  looked at him weird, put her over his knee?

"It's your sandwich."

Liam's head popped up when he heard a man's voice, he looked over to Harry and smiled sheepishly. "I thought you were Selena...."

"I noticed" Harry said plainly. Harry  didn't ask him about why they were suddenly spending so much time together, or why he was about to put her over his knee, Harry wanted to ask, but he didn't want to seem like he cared, even though he did.

"What are you doing here, anyway?"

"Katie thinks she left her jacket here, so I came by to see."

"Mmphw shemakesuchoogsandwiches" Liam stated with a full mouth.

"Yeah...." Harry rolled his eyes.

"Wanna stay for dinner?" Liam suddenly asked, his mouth empty.

"Its just me and....Oh...yeah..'s, never mind."

"Huh?" Harry asked confused, even though he knew Liam was about to say Selena.

"I was going to ask you to stay, but I...I have plans."

"With who?"

"Um.... no one" Liam stated.

Harry had a sudden urge to punch Liam in the nose, now they were having dinners together? And plans? Harry then suddenly stood up. "Where are you going?" Liam asked. "Um, I got stuff to do... see ya around" and with that Harry hurried out of the room, he went back downstairs and into the kitchen where he found Selena again, she rolled her eyes once she saw him.

"I thought you left."

"I was with Liam...." he trailed off.

She didn't say anything and took her new sandwich with her back up the stairs. Harry sighed once again, he checked the closet for Katie's jacket before leaving the house to do the 'stuff' he had to do.

Why hello my lovelies. It is currently 3:45 A.M. I usually stay up late reading fanfictions. Though never this late, but I was reading an interesting fan fiction. Anyways Hope you enjoyed.this.chapter don't to vote and comment. Now off to bed for me!

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