Noodles Soup for Your Sniffles

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Summary: Prompt for this one was that Claire gets sick and Owen takes care of her (set in the island). So I turned it into a little AU.


"No! I'm fine~!" Claire insisted with a stuffed nose. It was very evident that she was not doing that well. She wouldn't admit it but she had a headache from hell and each time she swallowed, it felt like shattered glass was going down her throat.

She had been gradually getting sick but her stubborn nature had prevented her from working on shaking this cold off before it got worse. Now she was to the point of regretting not taking something when Owen had asked her to.

"Yes, you are~!" Owen sang begging her to go home early, take the rest of the day off. He watched her stare blankly at her laptop screen for thirty seconds. She was so out of it by then, that she didn't even know what she was doing anymore. "Babe, please~" He gently brushed his fingers down her cheeks and pressed his lips against her forehead. "You are boiling! Come on, I'm driving you home." He offered.

"I have work to do!" She shook her head after pulling away from him. "Besides, I already drank like three bottles of NyQuil...I'll be fine." Claire insisted, without an ounce of energy left in her. The redhead gently rested her head against his chest and hugged her arms around his waist gently.

Owen sighed, lovingly brushing her hair with his fingers. Without any warning, he tried pull her up from her chair but Claire was fast and even when sick her reflexes were sharp. She had managed to grab from the arm rests, her fingers tightly curled around them.

"C'MON!" He cried in defeat.

"No-oh." She shook her head.

"I'll make you my special soup and we can watch some fun cartoons!" He tried to make this appealing to her.

"What am I? five?" She looked up, her green eyes were exhausted.

Owen twirled her office chair around so she could face him and kneeled in front of her. "Okay, how about we cuddle on the couch here? Just a couple of hours." He suggested. Her appearance was begging for some rest.

Claire shook her head, "I'm so behind with this stuff. I can't afford lose more time." She twirled her chair back around. The redhead hadn't been very productive that day.

"Okay, that's it!" He tried pick her up again but she was stronger than she looked and was gripping onto those arm rests tight. He knew he could ripped her away from them, but he would end up hurting her and that would make things worse. "Don't make me tickle you!" He warned her.

"I'll throw you out of the window, Grady. I promise!" She rolled back on her chair a couple of inches away from him.

"Okay, you win." He shrugged and casually started humming and whistling to himself, his fingers curious around a few things she kept on her desk.

Claire smiled, her victory short-lived after being interrupted by a sneeze that made her complain in pain.

"Bless you." Owen frowned, he hated to see her sick like this. Claire wasn't the kind to get sick often, but when she did it got her badly. The redhead blew her nose and that's when Owen had a glance of her trash can; it was a white mountain of tissues by then.

Claire smiled faintly and turned her attention back to her laptop. She closed her eyes and slowly rested her head over her arms, barely being able to reach the keyboard from there.

Owen quietly started gathering some of her things, putting them in her purse, and also looked around for her jacket. He hung them from around his shoulder, and without a word he closed her laptop on her.

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