Taken away.

19 2 0


After a couple dates I invited you back to my place

Hoping that he wouldn't be there waiting for me

But I know that he will since I'm late.

Just the way you looked at me, full of love, pain and worry.

Don't worry love, if I die it happens.

So I led you on to the porch after my head screaming don't.

Thank you for getting in front of the belt he wiped at me. He grabbed your wrist and knocked you out. By that time I reached the phone.

I told the police why, what, and how long I've been abused.

He grabbed me very harshly, which made me drop the phone as he ripped the phone out of the wall.

He pinned me on the floor, I had no one. He started sloping his hands under my shirt I screamed in protest.

Next thing I know I hear sirens in the distance. My father pulled out his pocket knife.

"You evil little girl, you called them and now I'm gonna make sure no guy will ever want you."

He sliced the knife across my face as I screamed out of pain and protest. Staining the knife red as my blood dropped from my face.

That's when you woke up and jumped from hiding hitting him in the head with a shovel. He fell flat on top of me.

The doctors tell me that their will be a faint scar across my face and that my father will be locked up for killing my mother and abusing me.

They put my in the system even though I'm 18. I still need a place to stay. They won't let me see you. That you never wanted to see me again.

So here goes, I'm moving to California. Where I can write and be free. I'm sorry love

I love you



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