As I was waiting

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- Owen

As I waited in line for my plane to board, I felt arms slip around me,  you and whisper in my ear

"You where going to leave without a trace? I love you Lily Anna Marie Graves!" You wiped away my tears and took a deep breath. "HEY WORLD!!! I AM IN LOVE WITH LILY ANNA MARIE GRAVE!" You screamed at the top of your lungs.

I cried then, I thought about giving you the letters. I gave him the poem that I wrote about.

"Attention, all passengers taking flight 23B from Chicago to California is boarding now. First class. Lily Gave,.. Mrs. Dun, Mr. Tyler..... And last but not least Owen Mathews. You are boarding report to gate 23B" said the flight attendant at the check in desk said with her perfect British accent.

Love your girlfriend who you are sleeping rather loudly on in the plan seat next to mine,


Old jeansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora