6. Potato chips

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I woke up late. Upon realising this I rushed down to the kitchen, to find only Kahlo left. I was late. Too late to get to the breakfast that had been prepared for me.

"Morning, sleepyhead."

I sighed and dragged my feet over to Kahlo who was leaning against the bench, beside him a packet of potato chips. My feet stopped when I was directly in front of him. I let my forehead fall onto his chest and rest there, and I could feel the vibrations when he chuckled. He lifted an arm to hug me closer, I wrapped both of my arms around his torso. His other arm was preoccupied with getting the potato chips in his hand to his mouth. "Why are you eating potato chips for breakfast?" My words were muffled by his shirt as I had come to burying my whole face in it.

"I got down minutes before you but by then, everyone had eaten breakfast. This was the first thing I found."

I chuckled, muttering something along the lines of "you're so lazy" before letting go of him and walking over to the cabinets. Continuing to hug him seemed extremely enticing, except his subtle yet sweet scent almost made me fall asleep again. His presence relaxed me, his scent took it to a level that almost lulled me to sleep. I searched around in the pantry for items, then I stopped when I noticed he hadn't followed. His eyes were soft as he watched me turn to him. His gaze made me feel like the most special person in the world. "I'm not making us breakfast on my own, so get your butt over here and help me." Kahlo sprung into action and finally did follow.

"You can toast the bread, and I can cook the eggs," I instructed. "Leave the hard stuff to the better cook." Kahlo scoffed and stood still. This caused me to walk into him since he was right behind me. "You were literally going to eat potato chips for breakfast." He closed his mouth seeing as though he had no argument. I patted his chest, setting him off to work.

I cracked 3 eggs into the hot pan. Truthfully, I was just guessing how many eggs Kahlo wanted. 2 seemed like a reasonable amount. Don't boys eat a lot? The egg whites became clouded and I focused on making sure that they didn't burn. Considering I had just announced myself the better cook between Kahlo and I, I had to be on top of my game. I enjoyed what we had at this point. First it was betting I couldn't find a book he hadn't read, second it was claiming I was the better cook and having to live up to that title. Neither of us knew why we had to prove each other wrong, but this determination brought our hearts closer. It meant the world to us.

As I flipped the last egg, I felt a soft peck at my neck. I spun around to find a slightly bashful look on Kahlo's face. But mostly, his face told me how open he was. I kissed your neck, it said, and I am not ashamed. Only hoping you enjoyed it as much as I did. The act of tugging on my lip with my teeth must have seemed coded to him because he asked, "what are you thinking?". I didn't answer directly, just whispered, "kiss me again."

Kahlo did, in the same place, and then on the same place but on the other side of my neck. Then an inch below, then alternated to the other side. My hand, the one that wasn't gripping a spatula, found its way into his hair. It was as silky as it looked. I had lost count of how many times Kahlo kissed my neck but he didn't appear to want to go anywhere else. He was contempt with the area he was given, he was not asking for anything more.

I gasped. Spinning around the other way, I groaned when my eyes landed on the state of the eggs. My spatula flipped them over, only to reveal that one side of them was completely black. A hand shot to Kahlo's mouth and in any other situation I would think he was shocked, but thanks to the faint sounds slipping through the slits between his fingers I knew he was trying to stop himself from laughing.

"This is your fault by the way."

Removing his hand from his mouth and putting it on my shoulder, he let his laugh run free.

"Potato chips?"

I sighed in defeat.

"Potato chips."

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