New Friend

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"Felix and Robin are really excited to see you again, they've been missing you a lot." Mark remarked lightly as Seán begrudgingly trudged behind the dark haired male, his rage filled gaze focused on his own feet with every step.

"If they actually missed me, why did they never call or answer my calls?!" Seán demanded harshly, his eyes shining with hurt as he looked up at Mark.

Mark froze mid step and turned to face Seán, his expression gentle and sad at the same time.

"They...they've been having a hard time since Wanda died. The twins refuse to let anyone help them since they say that they can only depend on each other." Mark admitted quietly.

Seán felt the rage drain out of him as he thought of his dad, the Irishman knowing that if he was still alive that he wouldn't want Seán to be angry with his friends and push everyone away like Felix and Robin.

"God, that's rough. I'm sorry that I've been such a bitch to you." Seán murmured apologetically as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, earning a small smile from Mark.

"I get it, Signe leaving you was my fault and I should've just left you out of the hero business like you wanted." Mark muttered as he hung his head in shame, the dark haired male looking like he was bracing himself for an attack from Seán.

Seán took a moment to contemplate Mark's words before he took a small step forward, causing Mark to instinctively flinch back.

"Is the offer to get a hug from you still up on the table?" Seán questioned jokingly as he opened his arms, Mark looking up at Seán with eyes wide in surprise as he happily wrapped his arms around Seán in a tight embrace.

"M-Mark, I can't br-breathe!" Jack wheezed as his face was crushed against Mark's chest, the dark haired hero instantly pulling back with an apologetic grin while Seán gasped for air.

"Wait, did you see that?" Mark whispered sharply as he nudged Seán's arm, pointing over at what appeared to be an empty landing pad where quinjets were kept when they weren't in use.

Before Seán could reply, he spotted a flash of blue and silver streak by him like a shooting star, the Irishman's hair flying back in the wind.

"Hey bros!"

Seán saw Felix waving at the two males as he swiped stray strands of silver hair out of his face, the Swede shooting the pair a wide grin that didn't seem to quite reach his vibrant sapphire blue eyes.

"Hey there Swedish meatball." Seán retorted with a chuckle as he embraced his friend, Mark laughing as Felix dragged him into the hug.

"Alright alright, too much touchy feely for me." Mark teased as he retreated from the clump, Felix following suite.

"Where's Robin?" Seán questioned Felix as he looked around for signs of the other twin.

"He's back in our room reading the notes we got from the mission briefing about an hour ago." Felix informed Seán in a bored tone.

"Lets go bother him then." Seán decided with a mischievous gleam in his eyes, Mark and Felix exchanging glances before nodding in agreement.

"We're in." Mark and Felix stated in unison.

"God, how the hell are we supposed to protect the people without the Avengers?"

Seán pressed his ear against the door and listened to Robin talking to himself, the male sounding extremely stressed while his footsteps pounded inside like a muffled metronome.


Before either Felix or Mark could stop Seán, the brown haired male opened the door and stepped inside to comfort Robin.

Seán was instantly slammed to the wall by wispy tendrils of red magic, knocking the breath out of Seán in a whoosh of air.

"Shit, sorry Seán!" Robin exclaimed as he released his magic, the blue eyed male hugging Seán while Mark and Felix quietly entered.

"We tried to warn you." Mark snickered, clearly finding enjoyment in watching Seán struggle to regain his breath once more.

"Note to self, never sneak up on you." Seán wheezed, Mark and Felix laughing with Robin at the Irishman.

"So, whatcha guys up to?" Robin prompted the trio as he sat down on his bed, a black manila folder with the SHIELD emblem in hand.

The room was mostly empty except for the bunk bed pressed against the back wall, the dresser against the right wall, and a door to the left that led to a bathroom.

"Nothing much, just bothering you bro." Felix shrugged as he sat down by Robin and proceeded to take the folder from him and toss it across the room.

"Hey!" Robin protested as he got up to retrieve the folder, Felix easily beating him to it.

"You've been in here for forever! Besides, Seán's here, so we should all do something together!" Felix whined in a childish tone, Robin rolling his eyes.

"You don't have to be a bitch about it, but fine." Robin huffed, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips despite his slightly irritated tone.

"Yes! To Mark's room!" Felix declared before running off in a blur, Robin jogging after him with Mark and Seán in tow.

Seán paused in the hall when he saw something lurking in the shadows, his friends' footsteps fading away into the distance.

"The hell?" Seán wondered aloud as he took a tentative step forward, his eyes squinted in hopes to see something in the darkness.

He let out a sigh of relief when he saw a rat scuttle into the light, the feeling quickly dissipating when he saw familiar black inky tendrils ooze out of the rat's body and squirm towards Seán.

Seán ran as fast as his legs could carry him and cried out for help, but his attempts were in vain since the symbiote was faster than him and no one was in ear shot to hear his pleads.

The symbiote wrapped itself around and Seán's legs and sunk into his skin, the Irishman screaming out in pain as he thrashed against the alien invading his body.

"Hello there Seán, nice to meet ya. The name's Anti, and I'm your new roommate."

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