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"Alright, I'm going to run in there and get the symbiotes before they even notice me." Felix declared as the group arrived outside of Life Foundation.

Dark and Anti exchanged wary glances as they stood outside of the building, Anti looking pissed off that he was there while Dark looked determined.

Felix was shifting from foot to foot as he stood next to Robin, Tyler close by the symbiotes to watch them.

"Then I guess we'll get a hold of a rocket that we can stash the symbiotes into for you." Tyler stated with a grim nod.

"This is suicide!" Robin hissed sharply as Felix ran into the building at blinding speed, Anti and Dark disabling the security cameras posted outside.

"Everyone's gotta die of something." Anti chimed in with a shrug, the symbiote rewiring the cameras.

"The coast his clear." Dark announced after messing with the wires of the last camera, striding confidently through the doors with Anti and the others close behind.

"Excuse me, you aren't authorized to be in here."

A security guard walked up to the group and ushered them towards the door, Anti lashing out and sending them across the room.

"Let's hurry up." Tyler advised as security care running after them, Anti and Dark guiding the group to where the rockets were kept.

"I got the symbiotes, let's hurry up and get the fuck out of here!" Felix shouted as he ran up to the others with his arms filled with jars.

"Is that all of them?" Dark questioned, his voice tinged with doubt.

"No, but-"

"I'm not leaving until we get them all." Dark argued, turning around and smacking the nearest security guard away before running to the lab.

Anti muttered curse words under his breath as he chased after him, ducking to avoid bullets that whizzed by him.

"Get the symbiotes you rescued into a rocket and get it started, Dark and Anti should be coming back soon. Until then, Robin and I will keep security off of you as long as I can." Tyler directed, Robin nodding in agreement as red magic gathered in his hands to make a ball.

"This is the last of them." Dark sighed in relief as he picked up the last jars, running with Anti back to the others to get to the rocket.

Dark winced as several bullets found their mark in his back, the symbiote growing weaker with each hit until he staggered and hit the floor.

"Dark!" Anti shouted, looking back over his shoulder as he skidded to a stop to see Dark struggling to get back into his feet while holding onto the other symbiotes, guards quickly surrounding him.

Anti felt rage boiling in his veins as he stormed towards the guards and let out a loud high pitched scream that made them cover their ears, Anti helping Dark to his feet.

"Thanks." Dark grunted, Anti taking the symbiotes from him and allowing Dark to sling an arm around Anti's shoulder so he could limp the rest of the way to the rocket.

'It's taking off soon, hurry up!" Tyler yelled at the symbiotes as they reached the rocket.

Anti left Dark with the heroes so he could place all of the symbiotes in the rocket, Dark abruptly falling to his knees as his eyes flashed from blood red to brown.

"Mark? Oh boy, now is not a good time for this." Felix muttered as he knelt by the dark haired male, Tyler and Robin defending him.

"C'mon Dark!" Anti shouted, the symbiote poking his head out of the rocket as it started to take off.

Anti's gaze landed on Mark as the rocket lifted up off of the ground, the symbiote glancing back inside the rocket before jumping out and slamming the door shut behind him.

"Mark, are you okay? Do you remember what happened?" Tyler questioned Mark, the dark haired hero's gaze turning cold.

"I...I remember everything, I just couldn't control any of it." Mark admitted, his gaze dropping to the floor.

"Da-oh..." Anti trailed off as he stared into Mark's eyes, his eyes flashing with grief as he turned away.

"I couldn't even say goodbye." Anti whispered remorsefully under his breath, Mark grimacing as he managed to stand up.

"Let go of Seán." Robin commanded Anti sternly, the symbiote refusing to look in his direction.

Mark bit his lip as he closed his eyes, the color changing to blood red when he opened them again.

"Anti, you should've left with the others. You would've been called a hero!" Dark exclaimed, Anti smiling sadly at his counterpart.

"What can I say, I have the heart of a hero." Anti chuckled weakly, allowing Seán to take back control once Dark relinquished control of Mark.

"Wow, that was...something." Seán remarked, Tyler, Robin, and Felix pulling Mark and him into a large group hug.

"Alright alright, I still have to breathe guys!" Seán laughed, the others reluctantly pulling away.

"You think Anti and Dark will ever be gone?" Tyler questioned the pair, Mark and Seán exchanging a look.

"You're stuck with me bud. But...I guess that means I'll have to be nicer, right?" Anti grumbled in Seán's mind.

Yes, Seán told the symbiote, Anti groaning in response.

"Probably not. But, something tells me that we won't have to worry about them hurting innocent people anymore." Seán predicted.

"True." Mark agreed.

"So, now what?" Tyler spoke up.

"I know," Felix interjected with a mischievous grin.

"With the Avengers gone, we get the base to ourselves. I say we party like there's no tomorrow!" Felix cheered.

"Okay, but we have to make sure to keep everything clean." Robin chimed in tersely, looking at his brother.

"Fine." Felix huffed, rolling his eyes dramatically.

"Race you guys there!" Felix yelled, picking up Robin before disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"Well, see you guys there." Tyler shrugged, his suit forming around him as he leapt in the air so he could take off.

Mark and Seán smirked as they glanced at each other, Dark and Anti resurfacing and allowing them to climb up and run across the rooftops in the evening back to base.

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