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   WAKING UP SURROUNDED by the vibrant yellow hue was not how Aribelle planned on starting her first morning at Hogwarts. If all had gone to plan she would've been tucked away in Slytherins, waking up to the faces of the girls she would be serving as a wife or death eater with later in life.

   She could wait forever to face her parents after this. Groaning, she pushed herself out of bed to change into her uniform. Clearly, none of the other girls were accustomed to waking up at six-thirty in the morning like she was. All except Rebecca. The girl had barely noticed that Aribelle had moved. She frantically scrawled across parchment, glancing over at a book, shaking her head and muttering to herself.

"Rebecca, what are you doing?" Aribelle found herself asking, crossing to settle on the edge of her bed. If her father found out she even considered speaking to the muggleborn she would be six foot under without a moment to defend herself. Rebecca's head snapped up, a slight blush appearing on her cheeks.

"Uhm, I'm actually cross refrencing the text book according to the notes I took last year in History of Magic." Rebecca said softly, looking down at her parchment. "There's approximately half of the contents of the books on history that is left out in class."

"You're really smart, aren't you?" Aribelle asked, smiling at the girl kindly to show she meant no harm. "I like it. Most of the people I've met are rather thick."

"I was a hat stall for Ravenclaw for my wisdom but I didn't possess any creative traits and apparently my Hufflepuff qualities is the strongest of them all." Rebecca responded, hurriedly sorting her things away. She looked at the Malfoy, confusion on her face.

"Do you want to go grab breakfast? I could use with a friend to talk to." Aribelle requested, standing up and preparing her bag in order to leave. Rebecca nodded her head quickly, shooting up from the bed and grabbing her bag as well.

"Yes!" She squealed out, before quickly straightening herself up and repeating herself in a calmer voice. Together the pair made their way down to the Great Hall, absently chatting about anything from the portraits to the moving stairs.

"You know, I might try out for the Quidditch team as a beater." Aribelle announced, Rebecca simply rolled her eyes. "What? I really fancy trying to knock my brother off of his broom. I feel like it could be funny."

"So should I ignore the yelling I heard last night and your desperate pleas for the sorting hat to jump through the window on a broomstick and change it's mind, you promising to run down to the dungeons and burst through the common room and snog the life out of Regulus Black, whom if I heard correctly you're unwilling betrothed to." Rebecca recited, giving her a long stare. "You talk in your sleep."

"Please ignore that."


"I'm not angry or upset about being in Hufflepuff. I'm more upset and angry when I think of what father will do." Aribelle explained, attempting to save her newly formed friendship. "If he knew I was even talking to you he'd probably kill me."

"You don't have to explain." Rebecca shrugged, glancing over at her raven haired companion. "I believe everyone has their reasons for what they do. Some people just choose the wrong choice. You won't. I know that already." The pair settled at the Hufflepuff table.

"How do you know that?" Aribelle asked her, glancing at the doors to check her brother wasn't lurking around. The last thing she needed was his abnormally large nose sticking into her business. "I'm not a good person."

"You don't think you are yet, but you will. You just need to find him." Rebecca responded mysteriously. "Oh, I'm a seer by the way." She quickly tagged on, noticing the expression on Aribelle's face. "My family descended from the greatest seer that has graced this earth."

"Who? How do you know that?" Aribelle asked, this girl was more strange and mysterious than she ever bargained for.

"I traced our family tree. Most muggleborns are actually descended from squibs. Oooo toast." Aribelle watched in disbelief as the girl got distracted by a stack of toast. Shaking her head, she fixed herself a bowl of porridge to eat.

It made sense why Rebecca had been alone, she was batshit crazy that much was apparent. However, Aribelle couldn't help but being drawn to her. It was almost like a magnetic force dragging her towards the girl. She could fight it if she wanted but a little voice in her head told her to stay at the table and make friends with her.

If Aribelle was being honest, she was rather peculiar in her own rights. In under a year she would be sprouting wings out of her back and pretending it was completely normal. One thing for sure, she was terrified that they would come out black.

"Aribelle, please be careful as you're walking to Defence Against the Dark Arts. Ink spillages are one of my pet peeves." Rebecca announced, giving her a piercing stare. "If you spill your ink I will cry." Aribelle just simply nodded her head, praying the schedules would arrive soon. The girl was nuts.


   Unlike Rebecca's prediction she didn't actually spill any ink on her way to Defence Against the Dark Arts. In fact, her day had gone rather smoothly so far. The only obstacle she had to get through now was Care of Magical Creatures.

   Aribelle hadn't fancied staring into a crystal ball and trying to read tea leaves, instead she opted for the one class that she knew she could master. Ever since she was little she had always been running off into a forest to find magical creatures. She never kept any of them, she just wanted to watch them.

   Making her way down, she let out a small huff as she saw everyone gathered. Not a lot of people had interest in the subject, it seemed. A cluster of roughly ten students gathered in a semi circle, chatting amongst themselves. Aribelle slotted herself beside a tall boy who was talking to two others.

   "Hey. Who are you?" The black haired one called. Aribelle simply raised an eyebrow, she recognised him. The notorious Sirius Black. Her father never stopped speaking about how he had so much potential before he was sorted into Gryffindor. She had spoken to him a few times at one of the pureblood balls.

   "Aribelle Malfoy." She said simply, giving him a resigned look. She had always liked the eldest Black sibling the best. Now he had stupidly decided to hang around with the worst sort (in his parents eyes) she was left with the stupidly immature and evil Black brother.

"Ah. Thought I recgnosied you." He said simply, going back to his conservation.

"How rude."


A/N: The gif above this note is how I picture Rebecca to be

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A/N: The gif above this note is how I picture Rebecca to be. She's an important character in this story, she's a bit nuts but I promise it will all make sense in the end.

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