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ARIBELLE WOKE UP to the sun streaming down onto her face, the warmth unusual for this time of year. With a groggy groan, she looked around the dormitory. No one else seemed to be awake, in fact it was almost as if no one else was here. She slowly pushed herself out of bed, her bare feet touching the cool floor.

She padded across the floor towards the bathroom. She walked over to the sink, meaning to brush her teeth. As she gazed into the mirror she couldn't help the scream that left her mouth. It was her worse nightmare.

Jet black wings.


She took a deep breath, her eyes adjusting to the now occupied dormitory. She quickly looked behind her, letting out a relieved breath. No wings.

"Something bothering you?"

Aribelle jumped, turning towards the voice. She narrowed her eyes at Rebecca. "Don't do that." She hissed at the girl. Rebecca just blinked before nodding her head once. Her head tilted down as she continued working on something. Aribelle took a deep breath, calming her nerves.

"Sorry." Aribelle mumbled, rubbing her eyes. Her eyes flirted towards the clock, five-thirty in the morning. "Why are you up?" She asked Rebecca, shaking her head. Rebecca shrugged, her eyes not moving from the book. "Did you even sleep?"

"You should go for a walk." Rebecca said softly. Her eyes gazed at Aribelle, almost like she knew something that the young Malfoy didn't. "It'll clear your head. Goodnight." Rebecca closed her book, almost instantly falling asleep where she sat.

"Weird." Aribelle mumbled to herself, climbing out of bed. She quickly changed into her uniform and cast a final look at Rebecca. Aribelle shook her head, walking out of the dorm. Not quite sure where she was going Aribelle walked down random corridors, hoping she wasn't going to get lost.

"What are you doing out of bed?" A voice called out to her. Aribelle turned around, facing the infamous Sirius Black.

"I could ask you the same thing." Aribelle responded, crossing her arms. Sirius let out a small laugh, shaking his head. "Something funny?"

"You." Sirius replied, walking closer to Aribelle until he was a few inches away. "When I saw you in Care of Magical Creatures I thought you'd be just like a Malfoy. Merlin, I was shocked you were in Hufflepuff. A cold hearted pure blood? There had to be a mistake."

"What do you mean by 'was'?" Aribelle questioned, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. "Everyone is still shocked I'm in Hufflepuff, I'm actually expecting a letter today from father to tell me how disappointed he is."

"I've seen you with Hariwish. No one really gives her the time of day because she's a bit weird, she's nice but she told me that my life would change for good in sixth year when I asked to borrow a Quil." Sirius shrugged, a smile on his face. Aribelle let out a snort, remembering how she had left the girl asleep sitting upright in bed.

   "Yeah, she's got a screw or two missing but I like her." Aribelle responded, a smiling finally beginning to appear. "That still doesn't answer my question, however. Rebecca being weird is irrelevant to it."

   "You're...different." Sirius said, seemingly trying to find the right words for what he wants to say. "I always saw you at Pureblood balls, the perfect pure blooded princess. I never spoke to you because I thought you'd be like them." Venom seeped into his voice as the last words passed his lips.

   "I am like them." Aribelle responded, drawing herself so her body was perfectly straight. Her eyes never left contact with his. His stormy grey eyes seemed to see straight through hers.

   "I don't think so." Sirius observed her, he nodded his head as if he was satisfied with what he was saying. "Are you bored?"

   "It's five thirty." Aribelle dismisses, trying to figure out how to get back to the common room from here. In all honesty, she was lost. Going for a walk in a castle she had only been in for under two days wasn't the brightest idea.

   "That wasn't what I asked. Come with me." Sirius gestured for her to follow. Aribelle knew it was right for her to be running around with the disowned brother of her betrothed, it was stupid and ridiculous - father would not be impressed, yet she still followed him, curious to see what he wanted to show her.

   "Where are we going?" Aribelle asked, she couldn't deny the fact she was actually excited. It was like a little adventure, she had never had one of those. It was almost exciting.

   "You'll see, it'll be fun." Sirius promised. Aribelle couldn't help but add a bounce to her step, she felt like a child again. The endless possibilities and seeing a world that only happened in dreams.

   "Why aren't you taking your friends with you?" Aribelle questioned as they left the castle. "Surely they'll enjoy it more."

   "I was on my way and I decided to bring you." Sirius shrugged as they made their way steadily to the forbidden forest. "They're my brothers but it's nice to get out without them." Aribelle nodded in agreement.

   "I don't have a lot of friends so this is quite nice." Aribelle admitted, making sure to avoid his gaze. "You can't tell anyone though."

   "You can't tell anyone either." Sirius said seriously, giving her a stern look. "I just broke free of this pureblood stuff. The last thing I need is everyone get on at me about hanging out with a Malfoy."

   "The last thing I need is everyone knowing I was hanging out with you. My father would kill me." Aribelle agreed with him.

   The rest of their journey was in silence until Sirius held his hand out to stop her. He put one finger on his lips, squatting down to peer between the branches of the large bush. Aribelle sat on the ground beside him, looking through the branches. She silently gasped as she took the sight in before her.

   The small clearing should've been pitch black, instead it was illuminated in a white dim glow. Thousands of small specs floated around, a whispering soft song echoed around. Aribelle looked at Sirius, smiling at him. He grinned back at her. The pair stood up, creeping away from the clearing.

   "Wow. They were fairies weren't they?" Aribelle questioned excitedly. "How did you find them? How did you find that? That was so amazing!"

   "I like to watch magical creatures. They're actually really cool." Sirius shrugged.

   "You're right. Thank you, I'm going to get breakfast." Aribelle went to walk away.

   "Hey, want to hang out again?" Sirius called to her. Aribelle turned to face him before nodding.

   She wouldn't tell anyone but she couldn't wait to see him again.

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