Chapter Three

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      The outside world as wet, and foggy. The air, crisp and cold. All felt deathly silent, even while the nearest battlefield lay only fifty kilometers away. Stepping outside, a small group of nurses, each holding buckets of dirty rags and water that was tainted by blood, spaced themselves out upon the small deck of their makeshift hospital.

      As she tucked the loose raven wisps of hair back into her nursing cap, the Duchess of Norwin sat amongst four other women. While each woman began busying themselves--cleaning the rags and dumping the tainted water out--Anona allowed herself to enjoy the moment. She had arrived in Sage six days ago, and from the very moment she stepped into the small village, piles of duties were dropped into her arms.

      During her stay, she had remained cooped inside the small manor a humble businessman had offered to be used as a temporary hospital. The inside of the house, though once considered spacious, was now filled to the brim with cots and beds, occupied either by a stolid or squirming soldier. The air was always heavy and stiff, inflicting a sense of discomfort amongst all. However, no nurse could ever find the time to complain about the inner conditions within the house; there was too much work to be done.

      Filling her lungs with the fresh air, a gentle smile spread across Anona's lips. So far, all of whom she had tended to were well on their way to a stable recovery; and they were victories that kept her pushing forward. Glancing from her work, Anona took notice of the other women around her.

      It was apparent she wasn't the only one soaking in the short time they had cleaning their medical tools. Each woman appeared content, pleased even, for the weather--despite its coldness--provided a refreshing sensation to cleanse their moods.

      Midway through cleaning out her buckets, a dull, winding cry came from the sky.

      Anona paused.

      Setting the bucket she was holding in her lap down, she rose from the ground and cautiously stepped over to the edge of the deck. Then as she held onto the post supporting the covered deck, she cautiously craned her neck and peered up into the misty heavens above her.

      "Is something wrong?"

      The duchess casted one of the women a quick glance.

      "I-I could have sworn I heard something." Anona said with a frown, returning her attention to the sky, "Like the pistons of a plane."

      Striding over to the Duchess, the nurse joined her side and squinted up into the sky, curiosity overcoming her. The three other women remained seated, silently observing the two, listening for the sound Anona claimed to have heard. All five of them waited in silence, carefully straining their ears for the mystery noise. Minutes slowly began ticking by, and just as they were all about to give up, the nurse standing beside Anona choked on a gasp.

      Throwing her finger up into the air, the woman pointed at the sky.


      The three other nurses scrambled from their spots and quickly peered out beyond the covered deck. Each gaze was met with the sight of two planes, both circling around the village of Sage.

      Narrowing her eyes, the Duchess followed one of the two planes. There was something unfamiliar about the aircrafts.

      They seemed...foreign.

      Then her eyebrows rose as her hands found their way to her lips.

      "Those aren't our colors..." Anona mumbled.

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