Look who l met...mate??

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" Time to explore..."

We first went up to our room to change into jeans, crop tops and beanies and went to look for trouble.

We went to the west side of the academy. It looked nicer than the rest of the school and had old expensive vases. This side was quite modern and looked more like a penthouse.

I kept walking and ended up bumping into some guy," Uh, hey there um Bella." I stretched out my hand for him to shake.

He looked at me weird," Excuse me? Um Cedric, what am l supposed to do with your hand?" I laughed," Shake it off course, aren't you human?"

He smiled sheepishly at me,"Sorry, l have ever been to the human world. I am one of the vampire princes."

He took my hand and shook it. Something flashed through his eyes but he quickly covered it up." Nice to meet you Ced, so l will see you at the ball then? l have some exploring to do." l said with an evil grin.

He laughed at me then nodded his head. " Man was he good looking." I thought to myself.

Cedric's POV

I walked through our quarters, bored out of my mind. That is until l bumped into her, Bella. I sighed to myself.

I wander what she was doing exploring this side. If my grandmother caught her with me, l would be serious trouble.

"I still can't believe this, l found my mate."I thought.

"She was beautiful and funny and had that evil side to her that showed she was up to no good. I can't believe l actually bumped into her before the ball." I told my cousin brothers, the other princes.

They all looked at me smiling until Eric said," Cedric, looks like you are not the only part of you that is excited."

I looked down and saw l had gotten too excited. I groaned and they all laughed at my embarrassment. "I can't believe this is happening to me."l kept thinking that night.

I couldn't wait to see her again on Saturday.

Back to Bella

After l left Cedric l kept smiling and giggling. Vicky looked at me like l was crazy. I would too, i was laughing with tears trickling down my face.

" What is wrong with you?" She asked me. " I met one of the princes, Cedric." I said. She let it sink in before screaming," OMFG what did he look like? What happened?"

I told her everything and Vicky just squealed at me. " What if he is your mate? l considered that but said," But what if he is not, i don't wanna get my hopes up Vicky."

After that we decided to go to our room and get ready for dinner. I was actually enjoying myself here but l wanted to know if l was Cedric's mate, for sure.

P.S guys sorry its not edited. Vote, comment and follow me.

lots of love


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