chapter 1

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As Wolftail sat in the throne room her sisters were infront of her explaining what happened u see, a atobot had went through there defence walls (computers) and hacked into almost every file there and well lets just say WolfTail tryed not to be pissed and sighs "what did they get out of it?" She asked saber started "they got info on me,  blackout, all of the commanders except the flight commander, and our medics they know our week spots and our moves" said saber as WolfTail slamed her clawes on the arm of her throne. "Scout the eria and kill any bot or con on sight got it saber" she was talking about saber cus saber is a little love ball she hates death and war, saber nods slowly WolfTail smiled "good~ no go scout" as saber and black out went to scout with abis the third in command and talon the flight commander he came with us in case we bump into unwanted predicons (prediking, dark steel, and skylynx) we were in cyber form and saber was sniffing around "I have a sent" said saber looking ahead "its new aswelll smells of.... Autobot" she said

Hey i know this chapter is short but i didnt update this week so here ya go

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