chapter 5

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I sat in my sleeping corters WolfTail said I have to stay here while they go. Off to 'ambush' the autobots i know if they come home I'm in for it wolf tail will have me exacuted and we all know it

After about two human hours jumper rusjed in my corters "saber u need to run" she said as she lifts me up amd started pushing me to the door "whats wrong jumper?" I ask "wolftail she was torturing a bot amd they rambled saying u told them u nees to run shes going kill u saber!" Jumper yells u could see the tears in her eyes "I cant leave u jumper I known u all my life I cant let u go" I said "u need to run please" said jumper in tears "take this I never told u but a long time ago ur grand sire had a prochy for u this is ur prochy and please take it save this world and save the people u lo-" "SABER!!" shouts a anger voice "RUN!!" Jumper yells as I bolt out the back door with the book in my arms I heard jumper scream in pain and i whip my head around "JUMPER!!!" I feel before running off again

I bust into the hall of primes I had trouble with amber and fang on the way here I had a long scratch on my side that was bleeding I walk down the hall and stop once I seen optimus and the others "saber?! What happened??" Asked optimus rushing to me holding me up. So I didnt fall "s-she found out... She killed jumper" I said I did once bring jumper here her and optimus got along very well and sometimes she would sneak out more than I do to see him and just him jumoer even said how she wanted to be his sparkmate but she knew it would never happen
Optimus looked at my sadly as I pased out it was dark and scary

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