chapter 2

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"Im calling in for back up we were ambushed!!" Said saber through the comm as Abyss picked up "back up is heading twards u a bunch of cyvers to" she said cyvers are like vechons exelt they transform into eather birds if foxes and there was 5 foxes and 7 birds thatvhad missles along with abyss who came to us "thanks" I said she respinded with no problem as we start to fight of the bots and cons

After awhile it was finished and so was abyss who laued in spool of her energon a stab wounds on her side Saber was holding her tightly "reameber not to cry I-in f-front o-f.. W-wolf...tail" she said as her words wisked away

Hey guys im on a wrighters block i dunno what to wright so leave some ideas in the comments and ill update someother storys
Love y'all my tots 💜💙💜💙

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