chapter 4

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Wolf tail looked at her team "ok the ambush will take place at the hall of primes we will attack on the side closest to the border next we will raid the food suplise in the east we will set the cybers on the attack around us as we get the suplise and food" she said before we end and we all go to our resting server

Saber looked at the sky the sun was setting and she had to go shd stood up and walked out of her rest corters she steped into the woods and walked to the border she sniffed around and looked around her before walking to the other side of the border and she beard growling she turnd to see wolftail, fang, blackstreak, and amber. Saber gulps "where are u going sister?" Said Wolf tail "I w-was going to go... Spy on the bots and cons" she said "hmm did i give u permission???" Said wolftail with a evil smirk, slowly saber shakes her head "n-no" she said as Wolf tail tackled her in wolf form and uses her claws to jab at sabers cheek "I will let u get off this time but u better tell me what they plan" she growled saber nods as WolfTail walked to her border and ran off with the other saber touched the fresh scratch on the side of her face it was long but not deep or life threatening but it did hurt
Saber started walking to the hall of primes and walked inside she stood infront of optimus who just looked up at her his optics wife as he stood up "what happen??" He asked "I'm ok I just almost got cought" she said "it looks a bit bad" he said "ill have rat-" "no! If she sees any healing to it shell know I'm giving information to u and shell kill me and everyone" she said as Optimus sighs "the news" he said "there going to attack the west side of prime hall and they will attack the east side of the supply unit and take everything they can get" she said optimus nods "look if they hurt u again u can join us we want u to be safe" he said "but i need yall to be safe and this war to be over this is my job a spy he nods "u may go back" he said I nod and run back when i got back i told WolfTail false information saying that they didnt know a thing about our attack and they were all laughing

Transformers: The CyberiasOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz