Chapter 1 (the night before...)

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          Y/n: I'm angry, but excited for my first day of school I'm excited because I was going to a brand new school. My dad said it was a good school and very highly rated.

My mother said kids go missing there, but I only believed my dad because he always told the truth to me unless it was something personal, those are times when i didn't worry.

But just last night, I heard yelling from downstairs in the kitchen.

My dad said that I should stay home and go shopping and wander around our new neighborhood because we just moved.

My mother said she should go to school no matter if it's my birthday or not. she had a tone in her voice that made me know that something bad was going to happen.

I was nervous... my dad disagreed and said I was staying home. [thx dad. :3] but my stepmother said the opposite and started yelling.

My dad threatened her that he would get a divorce once it started to get violent. She kept swinging at him then he said he was done. He was through.

My mother stopped, teared up, ran upstairs knocking me down the stairs and called me out on my dad divorcing her and called me "a worthless piece of trash" and my dad came to see if I was ok.

I told him I was fine, all I have now are bruises. Thankfully, my school clothing has long sleeves so they cover my bruises up so nobody notices.

But the reason I'm angry is because of my mom. She used my dad for a lot of things and whenever I asked her anything, she would yell at me and say no.

But when my dad asked if I could do something, she agreed and gave me a glare. I fucking hate that woman, even at the bottom of my heart, there's no love for her.

I wish she was as nice as my real mother was...

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