Just a Bit of Help (chapter 4)

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Y/n: I knew he was after me. So I grabbed a hat that was in my bookbag and put it on to keep my face covered and continued eating my lunch.

Apparently, that didn't help. He was walking my direction!

So I got up, quickly threw my lunch away while still hiding my face and grabbed my stuff. I felt something touch my shoulder and turned around quickly.

Thankfully, it was only playtime. She was a sweet girl from what I know.

She motioned me to run quickly from Mr. Baldi. I nodded, grabbed my stuff, and ran. Mr. Baldi must have noticed because he ran out of the cafeteria just like I did and followed me!

Baldi: I was catching up with her! I was about to grab her but then she made a tight turn down another hallway, which shoved me away from her.

I followed her then she disappeared with gotta sweep...

Y/n: I was nearly grabbed but I made a sharp turn down another hallway which must have backed up Mr. Baldi because I turned around and he was farther behind than he was before. 

What I knew next was that I was speeding down the hallway! It was gotta sweep for the third time!

I yelled for him to stop when I knew I was far enough from Mr. Baldi. But then, I flew forward and landed on my back.

I sat up and saw gotta sweep looking worried and offered to help me up. I accepted and said he didn't need to be sorry.

He smiled a little and asked "are you alright?" I said "yes" and thanked him for his help. He nodded and continued sweeping down the hallways. I was nuts, I fell for the janitor! dammit!

Baldi: I was disappointed. In myself, not y/n, for not grabbing her when I could. I leaned against a wall to think about how I could catch her... that's when an idea hit me!

When she runs into playtime again, I'll be there...

Sorry I haven't been around! Christmas stuff going on, my birthday party [not my actual birthday], and school. Times get busy around this time of year. And you guys may ask for any character you want me to ship you with. I might make a character x ready book with several characters. I might not make another chapter until next year. So everyone have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year to everyone!

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