Chapter 2 (first day)

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Y/n: First day of school! got my school clothing on and ready to go! I ran downstairs and found waffles on the table waiting for me with a note next to the waffles.

It said "Had to go to work early, sorry I couldn't be there for your first day. Good luck! Xoxo Dad"

I smiled and felt the waffles with my finger before putting the syrup on. They were still warm. *He must have left before I woke up...* I thought. 

I shrugged my shoulders and ate my waffles and finished them just in time too, the bus just got here as I was picking up my stuff after I put my dishes in the sink.

~~Time Skip~~

I'm at school and nervous to go inside. it looked like a giant, white box. But every school has it's own unique shape.

I walked toward the school and opened the door to see a tall, bald man. He has a green sweater on with blue pants and brown shoes. He looks maybe a foot taller than me.

"Hello!" I said as I waved at him. He looked at me and smiled "Hello. Welcome to my schoolhouse!

I asked his name and he just stood there and looked at me with a smile on his face. His smile stayed the same, but it seemed to be getting creepier as I looked at him longer

"I'm Baldi. Please call me Mr. Baldi. I'm your math teacher." I looked at my schedule and found out he was right. He was my math teacher. He seemed really nice.

"Y/n, right? I've heard so much about you. Your father told me on the phone how much of a good child you are and how good you are at math. You should be just fine!"

I smiled and got nervous. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders "Class will start in half an hour. You may explore the school. Be in class on time!"

I nodded and walked around for a while until I heard "give me something GrRrEeEaAaAT" I walked to where I heard it and saw a boy who was my height wearing an orange shirt with blue sleeves.

Baldi: I saw this girl walk in looking confident like it was her first day. To my surprise, it was! But something seemed different about her... she had h/c hair and e/c eyes... I never thought I'd say this, but I think it's love at first sight...

I kept my opinions from myself and let her wander around the school since it was her first day.

I heard she met the bully, playtime, and the principle... Her playing with playtime would be so adorable. So i went to check on her and saw her in the halls with playtime at the same time.

When y/n jumped up and down while playtime was counting, her skirt flew up every time she came down, making my heart pound.

I saw her glance over and hid behind the wall quickly... I sure hope she wasn't looking for me...

Y/n : I waved at him and smiled. He had a mean look on his face and said "give me something gRrEeEeEaAaAtT"

I walked back the direction I came from and saw a man taller than baldi. He had brown hair and black eyes. It looked like he has no eyes. I nervously waved hello and he looks at me.

"Are you new here? he asked. I nodded and smiled nervously. He smiled back. "I'm the principle of this school. If you need anything, you can always come to me for help~"

I heard the tone at the end of the sentence and I think my face turned red a little. He walked off and I walked away to see a little girl who's eyes were blocked out by... scribbles?

I ignored that and looked at her. She had curly, black hair and a red dress and was carrying around a jumprope. "I wanna play with someone!" She had a really cute smile on her face that I couldn't deny.

I had 10 minutes left. "I guess a few jumps wouldn't hurt..."

"Yay!" the little girl said. she handed me the jump rope and counted off how many jumps I did.






She took the jump rope back and said "Let's play again next time!" I smiled at her and introduced myself.

She smiled and said her name was playtime and walked off "I wanna play wth someone!"

Playtime... odd name, but cute for her...

I was walking down the all then got scooped up! by... a man sweeping a broom down the halls faster than sound...

I yelled for him to slow down and he must have heard because next thing I knew I was standing on my own two feet again. I looked at him and smiled.

"Sorry about that. Sometimes, you just gotta sweep sweep sweep! wait, are you y/n?" He said. I nodded and smiled nervously. "Well, apologies for sweeping you up y/n. This school is such a mess sometimes..."

You nodded in agreement and told him you had to go. He waved and had a kind smile on his face. You smiled back and then continued walking down another hall.

You checked the time. 2 minutes?! you picked up your stuff and ran towards your first class.

I arrived at my class a few seconds early and sat down. Mr. Baldi had that creepy smile on his face again and gave me a worksheet.

3 + 3? Wow, this was gonna be a piece of cake! I wrote down the right answer and loved on to the next easy question.

I finished the second question and said "wow, i wonder what other hard questions there are!" and laughed a little. Mr. Baldi laughed too and continued righting on a separate piece of paper

I turned the page and proved myself wrong. The fuck was this?! How was I suppose to answer this?! I got nervous and wrote down 9... I felt I screwed up big time...

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