1: You're A Winner!

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~3rd person PoV~

You had collected the mail on your way up the driveway, and noticed that there was a letter addressed to you in the mix. The envelope was black, with the words written in drippy red ink, the letter was sealed with a wax seal that was the Anti-possession symbol.
When you got inside, you threw your backpack down, shut the door, and threw the mail on the coffee table in the living room, before you walked off to your room, black envelope in hand. You flopped down onto your bed and passed out from the exhaustion of the school day.
You woke up about an hour later, still holding the envelope in your hand. You opened it up quickly, reading it.

"Dear Y/n L/n,

CONGRATULATIONS! You have been hand picked by the cast of Supernatural to attend an all expenses paid, 2 week trip to British Columbia, Canada for a tour of the Supernatural set, and meet and greets with the cast members."

You carefully read each word over and over again, trying your best to hold back a loud scream of excitement, but it failed, and came out so loud that your parents came running into your bedroom with weapons in hand.

"Son, what's wrong? What happened? Is everything okay?" Your mom asked.

You couldn't formulate the right words, so you just handed her the envelope, your whole body shaking with excitement.

"Son, you do realize that this trip is to Canada, right?" Your dad asked.

You nodded excitedly.

"Honey, you hate the cold. You freeze when the thermostat is lower than 70 degrees. How are you going to survive two weeks in Canada?" He asked.

"Warm clothes!" You shouted.

"Well, I guess you should get packing young man. These plane tickets are for 9:00 am Sunday." Your mom said, smiling at you.

You practically screamed again, but this time it came out as a squeal.

"Which one of you is going with me?" You asked.

"Oh sweetheart! We are so sorry! Your father has to work, and I have to watch your baby brother. It looks like you'll have to go by yourself." Your mom said.

"That's okay!" You said cheerfully.

Your parents left your room, and you started packing your suitcase with all of the essentials, and warm clothes.
You weren't worried about going alone because you have been out of the country before for a school trip. Plus, the letter had a small attachment that you didn't want your parents to see because it said that you'd be sharing a room with one or more of the cast members.
      Once you were finished packing, you grabbed your phone and went to the bathroom. As you started the shower, you went on Spotify and started playing one of your favorite playlists as you washed yourself.

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