3: On Set

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~Your PoV~

Richard and I had made it out of the airport in one piece with our bags. When we made it outside, there was a car waiting for him, and he got in, I just stood there. After a few minutes I heard the sound of an automatic window roll down.

"Hey, y/n what are you doing? Get in!" He yelled.

I was practically freezing, so I got in, no questions asked.

"Why didn't you get in with me?" Richard asked as the driver started down the road.

"I didn't think I was allowed." I said sheepishly.

"Why wouldn't you be allowed?" He asked, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Well, you're a celebrity, and I'm no one important. I guess I wasn't expecting anyone to be this nice to me." I replied.

"Well, just you wait, because everyone is really excited to meet you, and I know that they'll love you too!" Richard said, squeezing my shoulder a bit.

We continued talking as the driver drove us to the set, only stopping a few times in traffic. But once we got there, I was stuck in the car, and when I finally got out, Richard picked me up, and carried me away. He picked me up so that I was facing the opposite direction that he was walking.
I heard him open a door, and we entered a heated building, which was much nicer than being outside in the cold.

"Hey guy, look!" Richard shouted, "I found the contest winner! Can we keep him?"

"Richard would you put him down, you're scaring the poor boy." An english accent said.

I felt something hit my butt, followed by a: "Nice ass." From a familiar Misha Collins type voice.

"MISHA!" Mark yelled, "that's something I would expect from Jensen, that's sexual assault!" He said.

"I- it's okay." I said feeling my face heat up.

I tried to hold onto Richard as he set me down, so I wouldn't have to face more of my heroes with a red face.

"Awe, he's so shy!" Another familiar voice said.

~3rd person PoV~

You felt Richard place his hands on your shoulders, and gently turn you around. You looked up to see Misha Collins, Mark Sheppard, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Alexander Calvert, Rob Benedict, Tahmoh Penikett, and Matt Cohen, all standing around a table, smiling brightly at you.
     Before you could say anything, Jared rushed towards you, capturing you in a great big bear hug, picking you up to deepen the hug- if that was even possible. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, while your legs were wrapped around his hips.

"Sorry Y/n, I forgot to mention that Jared is a hugger." Richard said.

"It's okay, this is really nice." You replied.

"Yeah, this feels so right!" Jared said.

After a little while, Jared set you down, and you got a look at the other guys that were there.

"Y/n, this is Jensen, Misha, Mark, Alex, Rob, Tahmoh, and Matt." Richard said.

As he introduced each 'new' male, they stepped up to shake hands with you.

"Wow...You're all here." You said, feeling your blood rush, and yourself getting lightheaded, before everything went black.


~Your PoV~

I woke up in a bed, in a small room with Richard sitting in a chair next to me.

"*groan* what happened?" I asked trying to sit up.

"I think meeting all of the guys at once either overwhelmed you, or overexcited you, and you passed out." Richard said.

"Oh... did I hit the ground?" I asked, looking at the few bandaids on my hands.

"No. Jensen caught you before you hit the floor." Richard smiled.

"C-can I see him?" I asked.

"Of course you can, I'll go get him for you. Just beware his wandering hands, and extreme charm." Richard said seriously.

Hello my readers!
I meant to finish this chapter yesterday, but I spent the night at my friends house, and we got caught up watching. "Light As A Feather" and "Supernatural" we got to season 6, episode 17.
Anyway, as you guys might already know, I accidentally cut my knuckle open with a box cutter on Sunday night, and I had to go to the hospital. I got a few stitches and all seems good, I might work on other stories.
A smut chapter may ensue next chapter.

Love you guys!

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