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This is a VERY violent chapter, if you don't like it,request so I can make a non violent version, (basically a summary)

(3rd Person POV)

Jaune was hanging above a pool of blood with bloody, cut arms. The walls mirror was written with "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to be this way. I believe that you and Vanessa need someone that's different from me. a father figure that doesn't yell at his daughter, and a husband that wasn't getting mad at his wife all the time. I love you guys."

Pyrrha ran to Jaune give him aura to revive him. It didn't work. She took him of the noose and carried him out the house into the car. She called 376 ( a ripoff of 911) and told the full story. When they told her to touch his neck, she felt the brisk, cold feel of it. She sped to the hospital as fast as she could. She flashback to all the great moments they had together, their dates,graduation day,the night of the proposal, Vanessa's birth,and their wedding day, and she cried. Knowing that the true love in her life was gone because of her.

She grabbed her phone, urging to call Vanessa.As soon as she got out the locked screen, she was cried even more, when she saw the picture from their honeymoon. She teared a bit, and then called her daughter to deliver the news.

(Dylan's POV)

"Where could she be? The tracker locates that here is where she took fall damage. But how did she fall?" I analyzed the area to see where she could've fallen. Sure there were trees, but they were tall, she's a cat, we land on all fours on instinct.

"There is a rusty old house over there that we didn't check yet."

"Then let"s go explore!" Yang yelled as she bursted off into the directions of the house. "I have no idea how my mother married someone that crazy." I thought to myself. I caught up to Yang, trampling along in the leaves. It was near the end of fall. She stopped and told me to set up camp, mainly because that old little house was in our point of view.

"Hey, how's Beacon been?"

"Not too bad! Plenty of friends, good teammates, and hellu've good time!"

"Cool, but seriously, class wise, tell me the truth."

"I'm failing one class." My smirk suddenly turned into a frown.



"That is a shame. Oobleck's class is the easiest!"

"He speaks too fast for me to humanly understand!"

"You sound just-"HELLPPPPP MEEEE" was being yelled from someone in the house. I picked up the camp, while Yang loaded our weapons. I finished before waiting patiently when I hear the faint sound of a cellar door closing. Yang and I ran to the house trying to find a way in. There was a shut window, that lead to the hallway to the basement. Yang smashed it open and dropped down. I followed after her, as we quietly went down, to the basement. As we slowly opened the door, I began to look away the horrible sight I was seeing.Mom was in a cage, naked,with stitches on her whole body, with whip marks that were scarred on to her back. When we got in the room, Yang ran to the cage trying to unlock it, it was a shut bolt Hard Steel lock, it was impossible to break. I started to look for the keys. I moved over all the bloody medical tools. I opened a cabinet and smelled something horrid, I nearly gagged at the sight, it was a box filled with Faunus body parts. Ears, tails, and teeth. I closed the cabinet immediately. I couldn't find the key anywhere. Yang decided to go upstairs and look for the key. While she did that, I went up to mom. She was quiet, facing the wall behind her. "Mom!"

Silence. "Mom!"

Still silent."MOM! ANSWER ME!"

(3rd person POV)

Blake turned around only for Dylan to witness the horror that has happened to her. There were profusely bleeding scratches, her eyebrows burned off completely, half her mouth was shut together,and her right eye color was red, with blood leaking from the top of her head from all the cuts.

Dylan backed away in horror as he started to cry. Why did they do this to her? Dylan rushed to the cupboard with the Faunus parts, and dropped the box's remains on the floor, trying to find his mom's "parts". By surprise, a mysterious girl walked in the room, profusely staring at Dylan from behind. When he turned around, he noticed the girl had Yang in her arms. naked, with her body being burnt to a tannish color, on her chest was a a greeting to Dylan from the girl, saying hello. Dylan threw the box at the girl, in defense, to run and get his weapon. The girl had got his scythes first, and threw them at him, hitting his arms to hold him against the cold, brick wall. He was struggling to get out, wriggling like he had a seizure.

"I'm sorry you had to die this way, but whatever Daddy says, goes." The girl grabbed a saw, and started to aim for Dylan's gut. She hit it straight on target, making the young man scream in pain, as his mother watched in silence. "Please stop! I won't tell anyone! just let me get my mom and go!"


She grabbed a screwdriver and jammed into his left eye. He screamed even more than last time. And that's when Tanner finally woke up.

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