chapter 6

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a better life

chapter 6

Riker POV

its been a week seen the accent 

Emma is not the same she is not her normal self

she is not talking to anyone

she doesn't come  out her room apart from eating which I have to make her do

she hasn't gone to school all week

she still has not told me to why she tried doing suicide

and it breaks my heart knowing my daughter wants to end her own life

what am I'm doing wrong?

she would of been better with q different family

I should not of adopted her

me and rose was talking

we think it is best if she gets help so we are thinking about maybe sending her to s hospital where they help young kids who have tried suicide or self harm

we have looked into it a lot

she would have to stay in they for one month

so she would live there for a month

then she would stay there for 3. nights a week and be at home the test but she would go to there school

then we see how she goes

it's a lot of money but for Emma it is worth it

if she dies I die


sorry its so short I'm writing this on my iPod which is broken and keeps turning off so I lose the. chapter every time plus I! really busy but wanting to give you. a chapter

what do you think about Emma going into a metal hospital?

question- raura or raia?

any questions you want to ask me just leave a comment





love you all xx

-Sophie x

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