chapter 27 old friends more like sisters

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a better life

chapter 27

Emma POV

as the last group walks up

a little girl around 7 runs up to Reece and AJ

I look at the other girl and see a person I through I was never going to see again

Reece POV

We have one last group of people before we finish for the night

Me and aj are chatting when this kid who is like 7 jumps into my arms

I'm guessing this is the last group

I look over at my girlfriend

Man it's nice to call her that

I love her with all my heart

I don't know what I would without her

She's my rock

My world

My love

Anyway I look over at my girlfriend to see her staring. Wide eye at a girl who is also staring wide eye at her

I chuckle

And. Go back to this little cute kid who is in my arms

You know one day I want kids with Emma

Maybe 2 or 3

Emma POV

My eyes go wide when I see who this person is

"Megan?" I say in a whisper from being in so much shock

My first best friend I had is standing in front of me!

(A/N Megan was the girl from the care room she was In before riker adopted her)

"Emma?" I hear her say

OMG!!! It is really her

My best friend is standing in front of me

I haven't seen her in 6 years

Megan POV

Me and my little sister Rachel are at the mini R5 concert

She is like in love with Reece and Aj

I like them to but I am this concert to see if its true

Ever seen Rachel liked them I have been watching Emma

No I'm not some crazy stalker your a stalker at all

I think she is Emma

The Emma I was best friends with when we were both the care home

If your wondering how we became not friends anymore it was like this

We both got adopted when we were 6

I moved to New York

Emma stayed in LA

We stopped seeing each other because of that

We slowly stopped talking to each other

Then we lose contract

Emma pobley doesn't remember me

But I want to put my mine at rest

I mean she changed my life

She was my everything back in the days

She helped me when no one else did

She cared about me when no one else is

If she remembers me great

But if she don't at least I know she is happy doing what she loves

As its our turn

Rachel runs straight up to Reece and Aj

I look up at Emma's

She's my best friend!

It's her

Let's just hope she remembers me

"Megan?" I hear in a small whisper

She remembers me!!!!

"Emma?"I say in the same voice

Emma POV

We look up at one another then just break into a hug

Not just any hug

The best hug

She used to give the best hugs when we were younger

And she still does!

I smile like bad

I got my best friend back

Not just my best friend my almost like sister

The sister I never had

(A/N she doesn't remember her sister or brother daisy and karl but they will come back into the book soon enough)

I'm so happy now

I got the best dad in the world

The best mum in the world

The best brothers and sisters

The best ants and uncles in the world

The best cousins in the world

The best band mates in the world

The best boyfriend in the world

And now my best friend

Can life get any better?

Little did I know that life was gonna start going down hill very fast very soon....


A chapter for you

Sorry it's crap but tonight has been one of the worst night of my life

So tonight yeah I was coming out of the place I work in and a big man came up to me and tried getting me into his car he was grabbing me and everything so long story short I was very close to being kidnapped to night I am very lucky to have gotten away

Now the police of course was. Called it was as scary as hell I'm so stressed and shocked and just scared now so I'm sorry it's not good but I'm writing this at 3 in the morning on a school night because I can't sleep

Yeah sorry it's not good but I hope you understand

Next chapter will most likely be up on the weekend but it depends on how many comments and votes I get

Sorry this author note is so long

-Sophie x

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