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Jimin's P.O.V

It turns out that Jackson's pack is 6 hours away from where Namjoon and the 5 other boys live. I sit in the back seat with Yoongi, Ella was in the front seat between Jin and Namjoon.

I just sit there looking out the window and with every passing minute the more I wish I could run. 

"So Jimin what happened to you guys how did you end up so far away from your pack?" Namjoon asked causing me to stiffen in my seat the others glared at him but I know that they were all wondering the same thing.

"Umm...well I..I had t..to leave and she f..followed m..me," I said looking down at my hands so that they didn't see the fear in my eyes.

"Oh, why did you have to leave?" He asked I was afraid he would ask that. What am I supposed to say, should I tell them the truth? No, they can't know nobody can ever know.

"I h..had to go into t...town but the c..car broke down a...and I g..got lost," I said nervously. I pray that none of them could see through the lie.

I looked at the time 2 hours left. Only 2 hours before Jackson's anger will be the end of me.

"Appa made Jimmy go bye-bye but I wuv Jimmy so I went bye-bye to," Ella said in a sad voice but then she went back to playing with Jin in the passenger seat. Silence engulfed the car nobody wanted to make the situation worse.

I stare out the window again then a figure catches my eye in the woods I look closer trying to see who it was but only to have them disappear. Who the hell was that and why are they in the woods alone.

"Hey, Jimin are you ok you look like you saw a ghost or something?" I turned my head to see Yoongi with a concerned look on his face.

"huh oh y..yeah I'm fine just t..tired, Are we almost t..there?" I said he held up his finger signaling me to wait then he leaned up front and talked to Namjoon. After a good 2 minutes, he leaned back and looked at me.

"Yeah actually we are only about 20 to 30 minutes away but Joon wants to stop at the next gas station to fill the gas tank and get drinks and maybe so snacks." He finally said I nodded.

Only 30 minutes left how could time pass so quickly, why do I have to be here if I wasn't brought to this place all those years ago then I never would have been in Jacksons pack and I never would have disappointed him.

"Hey it's going to be fine I'm sure that the pack will be glad to have you guys back," Jin said I looked over at him and saw that Ella was asleep in his lap.

"Well, first we need gas so while I do that you guys go get some snacks and drinks and us the restroom if needed," Namjoon said getting out of the car I didn't even notice that we had arrived at the gas station.

I got out and headed inside with the others, Yoongi and I went and got drinks while Jin and Ella went and picked out snacks after Namjoon paid for everything we headed back to the car.

"Jinny I has to go potty." Ella said tugging on Jin's sleeve "Okay sweetie, I'm going to take her to the bathroom real quick be back in a Minute." He said then they walked away towards the restrooms.

I look at the 2 Alphas beside me for some reason I feel the need to tell them everything but I also feel that doing so would be a mistake but before I knew it I was speaking

"Um, guys c..can I t..tell you something?" I asked not looking them in the eyes.

"What is it Jimin?" Namjoon asked looking at me. Here goes nothing everything that is wrong, that has been clouding my mind was about to be shared to these people that I literally met yesterday.

" I ca.." I was cut off by Jin and Ella entering the conversation.

"Never mind it was nothing," I said then walked over to the car and got in the others followed and soon after we were back on the road. 

 "Hey Jimin what were you going to say back there?" Yoongi asked I just shook my head refusing to speak because I knew that if I did I would say everything and I don't have the confidence to do that anymore.

"Please Jimin te..." 

"We're here," Namjoon said cutting him off, I looked out the window to see that we were pulling into the driveway and for some reason I wasn't afraid anymore. I know that I deserve whatever happens to me and the fact that Ella is with me will make everything worse.

Namjoon parked right outside the house Mark and Jackson were standing on the porch. The others got out of the car I watched as Ella ran into Marks' arms. Namjoon and Yoongi were talking to Jackson and then Namjoon motioned for me to come over to them.

I sighed then gathered up all my courage and opened my door. Once I shut it I looked up at them and made eye contact with Jackson. He pushed past Namjoon and Yoongi towards me with a fire in his eyes that I have never seen before and I instantly regretted everything I've done leading up to this.


Hey guys so I know that I haven't updated in literally forever but I have been really busy with school and helping someone that is really important to me I hope that you all understand and I hope that you like this chapter I have been trying to make it at least somewhat decent but I don't know.

Please comment on your thoughts and any suggestions you guys have for later in the book thanks for reading. 

WMW out 

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