Chapter Two

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When I wake up I am in a hospital like area. "So you're awake?" I look over to see two teens and an older woman. "You all are?" Under the sheets I make an ice dagger. "Well you were about to drown in the river you jumped in, so we saved you." I look around a bit nervously. "I'm sorry but it isn't personal but I don't trust any of you." I pull my knife out and I hold it to the girl's neck. "Savannah Froste, born on August 12th. Daughter of Aaron Froste and Lily Maribelle. The mother died while giving birth and your father works as one of the head lab researchers in the government." I slightly hesitate and jolts run through my body and I come back to my senses. I push the girl towards the boy and I run away again.

I race through the halls and I go up. My life of jumping from roofs hasn't gotten old. Race up an unsteady set of staircases. When I reach the roof I lock the door and I freeze the door mechanisms. I cast a few walls of ice around the door so no one could get close to me. "You are seriously troublesome..." I look around when I spot the boy from earlier. "Sorry, but it's in my nature not to trust random people." I summon Ice shards around me. I surround myself with the shards for protection. "Who the heck are you people?" I look around for a way out of this but I couldn't find one. "The names Shane and the person you held a knife to was Auriana." We stare at each other for what seems like hours of glaring.

"Oh this is gonna be good!" I look around and I see a boy floating in mid air and I lose concentration and my ice shards smash when they hit the ground. "Damien Grimmsbane, why are you here?" I look back between the two and the one floating floats down to me. "You there, girl... I can take you away from them but for a price. Also it's the Void Devil to you Shadow Prince." I watch him with disgust as he stands next to me. Death permeates his body and it disgusts me. I secretly form an ice shard and I jab him in the gut. "Damn, she has fire in her. Now that piques my interest." I gag and I jump back away from him and I look back at the boy named Shane. "A friend?" His face tightens when I asked, "We were before he betrayed everyone who we try to protect." I summon an ice scythe and I twirl it around before getting a grip on it. "Well I better go but I left a few gifts in the city..." He disappears and Shane's face drops. "Auriana we have to go now, there are monsters in the city."

"What do you mean by monsters?" Shane disappeared as soon as I finished my questions. "I'll answer that for you dear. Now come back inside we brought you here not to prod and poke you but to keep you safe. I certainly wouldn't want to hurt my daughter's child." I stop with the last few words that she said. "Your daughter's child?" She looks at me and sighs, "I'll tell you more after we're out of danger, but now we need to get inside." I look at the town down below an I see it swarming with dark creatures and I hesitate. "Savannah come on in now." I look back at her and I run the opposite way towards the edge of the roof. I jump and pray to the Lord that the teleportation thing could also work for me. I wait for the Impact but when I open my eyes I find myself on the ground standing straight up. "Thank God that worked." I sigh heavily but then I look around. "I did not think this through whatsoever." I summon my ice scythe and the dark monsters look at me weirdly. I start hacking at them and summoning ice shards and shooting them at every single monster I could feel around me. Something grabs my scythe and uses it to through me against a glass wall. "Damn got some power don't you pal or thing." I get back up and I freeze a bunch of them and I smash the ice afterwards. More and more came and I was going to be outnumbered.

"Use me, my Snow Queen." I see a tiny being with crystal wings on my shoulder. "We don't have time, use my ability." I stare confused and the being stands up on my shoulder and whispers in my ear, "I am your companion, but for now use my name to access my powers. My noble snow queen, I am called Yuki." I nod and I close my eyes calming myself. "Yuki, come forth and grant me your power... Please.." The little being sighs when I say please but nods and disappears. A burning cold temp runs across my skin and I notice my hair turning white. My skin goes to a pale color and I somehow end up in a robe with a fan. "The bonding process has completed my Snow Queen." When I heard a voice in my head I nod and I open the fan. "It's not really your day, you gross monsters." I move the fan in a vertical motion and a blizzard forms and overwhelms the monsters. When the blizzard dies out the monsters were all gone. I close the fan and I tap it against the bottom of my lip, "Couldn't deal with the cold now could they." 

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