Chapter Four

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The next morning I wake up to knocking on my door. I open the door and Auriana pops her head in. "Is she ready Auriana?" Auriana looks me up and down and notices that I only had a pair of shorts and a tank top on. "Um not quite, but I'll help her." She slides in and closes the door. "Where is your uniform?" I point to the closet and she rushes over to the closet and throws it at me. "You can put that on can't you?" I nod and I slowly walk into the bathroom. The skirt was black with two white lines at the bottom of the dress. The Shirt was collared and just plain white. I put the shirt on first and then I put on the skirt. I stare blankly at the ice blue tie and the weird coat. I keep them on the hanger and I bring them out with me. "Oh dear, this is gonna be a bit troublesome." I look at Auriana confused as she comes up and tuck in the ends of the shirt. "Shane can you come in?" The door opens and Shane pokes his head in. "What do you need? Also we have to go soon before the lines get long." Auriana holds the tie out and he sighs takes the tie. Shane takes the tie and walks over to me. He stops right in front of me and ties the tie. "Why am I the only one in this family besides my dad who knows how to tie a tie?" I frown a bit and Auriana adds, "She doesn't even know how to wear a uniform properly." Shane looks at Auriana and then back at the part of the uniform that I had on. "I don't get it, her uniform looks fine." Auriana smacks Shane retorts, "I fixed it for her. It's like she's never gone to a private school before."

When they say that I try to hide my worry with a smile. "You can't be serious!" Auriana looks at me with my guilty smile. "Savannah, you've been to school right?" My guilty smile gets worse and so I sigh quietly. "No I haven't my father's lab workers taught me everything." Auriana face palms her head and helps me get the coat thing on. "Is the coat thing necessary?" Auriana groans, "It's called a blazer and yes it is." I sigh and I look at the badge on it. "Why is my badge and tie different from yours?" Auriana smiles at me, "It show what element you have. Plus your badge shows the exact element. See yours has a snowflake and an icicle."

Shane drags us to the cafeteria before we could continue talking. I hear many whispers when we enter the cafeteria. "Is that the new ice attribute kid? That is a rare ability." Another one went like likes. "Oh no what did she do to incur the wrath of the twins from the seventh sanctum?" Yeah incur the wrath, but they didn't end like with that some got worse, "She doesn't look tough at all, must have just got her powers, or has a weak ice powers." I roll my eyes as we head in line for food. Auriana goes ahead and picks out food for me and she walks me over to a table. "Shane will get the food for us." I laugh at the thought of someone taking care of three peoples food.

After Shane arrives with the food, I notice what it was. "Are those chocolate donuts?" Shane nods and I smile guiltily. I watch them eat and Auriana looks up at me, "What's wrong, you not hungry?" I look around trying to avoid Auriana's look, "It's just that I am..." Before I finish something cold dumps all over my hair and my face. "She's just too poor to eat that or she hates your gift. Shane honey I missed you." I look behind me and I see a girl with bright green eyes and honey blonde hair with a cup behind me. She had really too much makeup on her face and I look back at Auriana and Shane. Auriana slams her hand against the table, "Okay that's it Priscilla! One you'll never be with my brother! Second you know nothing about Savannah." I look up at Auriana and I silently thank her. I stand up and I throw cold daggers at her. I drop the room temperature by a few degrees and I smile coldly. "I'm Savannah Froste and you are?" I spot goosebumps showing her arms. She was stupid for not wearing the coat thing. "Priscilla McFee, and you have no right to be at this school commoner." I drop the room temperature a few more degrees and I continue dropping it. "Priscilla tell me something, if you make up all these lies, aren't you a bit like the boy who cried wolf? Also I advise you not to make me angry." Ice starts to cover the ground. A few sparks run through my body and then it stops suddenly. "Why the hell is it so damn cold in here?" I look over and I see a guy with Brown hair start a flame. "Oops did I make it too cold for you, so sorry for the inconvenience. Also Priscilla was it? Watch where you step, the floor is quite slippery and I wouldn't want you to break your ankles in those heels." Suddenly I start to feel a bit sick and land on the ground and I cough up tiny bits of blood. Everything goes black in the cafeteria. I grab a napkin and I clean the blood up before anyone notices. The lights flicker back on for a moment and I'm back up on my feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2018 ⏰

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