⌜Author's Note⌟

18 3 2

Hello! Levi here!

yanapangit and I were role playing between our OCs, and I had requested if she wanted to write a book with what we had so far, and she accepted! So this is what we have so far.

We're not very sure how long it will last, though ^^;;


The book cover is temporary. It's a drawing of my OC, Graeme :)

The title may be temporary as well, since we're still deciding on that part, ahah-

Here's my part of the note!

Yo! Yana here!

It's great having Levi to rp with me (because I make a lot of mistakes so she looks out for me) anyway, she wanted to post it, and I'm up for it! I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as we did roleplaying!✨


Book info:

First started on

17 November 2018

Publishing date


Current Status


Total words


Finishing date


~ Levi & Yana

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