Part Three

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(Quick A/N! This part contains a lot of suicidal thoughts and actions. Please be aware if you are triggered by this.)

Virgil's P.O.V:

What was I thinking?? I couldn't tell Patton! Ugh. I'm so stupid!

"You know what Pat? N-never mind. I'm perfectly fine."

"Now Virgil, I said you can tell me anything! Go ahead. I won't tell anyone else if that's what you want."

Why is he so nice? No. I can't. I WON'T. I'm just gonna have to drop it.

I sat up, pushed in my chair, and walked upstairs. As I was walking, I heard Patton sigh and say something...I couldn't make out what he said, though.

As I went in my room, the voices came back...

How could you do that to Patton?
Why are you still here?
Thomas doesn't need you.

"Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut UP!"
I covered my ears and threw myself onto my bed, crying my eyes out. I didn't care if someone heard me. These voices are killing me, literally.

Just cut yourself.
It makes everything better.
You lose more and more blood.
That means you're closer to DEATH.


I started crying again. Then, I thought of doing what the voice told me to do. I guess it DOES make things better. I grabbed the scissors out of my drawer and I was about to cut my wrist when...

"Virgil? VIRGIL STOP!"

Roman's P.O.V:

"Virgil? VIRGIL STOP!", I yelled to him. I had bolted into his room because I heard him crying and screaming.

"What are you doing?"
"N-nothing! Get out!"
"No. You tell me what's wrong right now."
"If Patton can't even convince me to tell him, then neither will you!"

"Let me see your arm, Virgil."
"GIVE ME your ARM!"
"I said NO!"
All of a sudden, Virgil threw me off of his bed and onto the floor.
"GET OUT, ROMAN!", he screamed. My eyes watered, but I walked out anyway. "SEE IF I EVER CARE ABOUT YOU AGAIN!", I yelled and then shut the door. I heard him scream in anger, and I was going to open the door, but I left and went to my room.

Virgil's P.O.V:

Just die.
Just kill yourself.

I burried my head into my pillow. I can't take this anymore! I grabbed the scissors and cut both of my wrists. I bit my pillow to hold back the pain, then let go. I looked at my wrists and blood was spewing out. The last thing I remember seeing were my wrists, gushing blood. The last thing I heard was Thomas, Patton, Logan, and Roman bursting into my room.

Then I blacked out.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading. Sorry this was really intense. I hope you enjoyed though! Part Four coming soon. Bye everyone!
Word Count: 491!

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