An Actual Antagonist

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wow would ya lookie hererrerr

I just got a good idea for the mAin villAin of the story so I had to try drawing her for once,, it was just gonna be a quick concept sketch but life had other plans hhhhh

I just got a good idea for the mAin villAin of the story so I had to try drawing her for once,, it was just gonna be a quick concept sketch but life had other plans hhhhh

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lmao it her the antagonist who doesn't show up till the end of the plot cause she's the Big Bad

[I had a huge explanation about her backstory and necromancy here but got rid of it cause it was really long and I'll probably make a short comic later (maybe)]

yeah and here's Ji-Hu in the present ((cause he was most important before the story even starts))

he's so fun to draw he's like the anime boy of the heccign story ((it doesn't help that he basically classified as a neko in the past))

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he's so fun to draw he's like the anime boy of the heccign story ((it doesn't help that he basically classified as a neko in the past))

anyway that's all i have for todaysjcngrebcocbye

Date: 11/19/18

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