ABORT: too much leg

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euegheuhg i jus ate a whole bag of chips heuggu yeowrch

i drew my son seung with his new lil design he gets end of story

i drew my son seung with his new lil design he gets end of story

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look at h e

i think the head's a good size, its just i have a habit of making hair rlly poofy dunno why,, im trying my best :'D

i was actually rlly stoked to fit one whole character on a page but seung is rlly leggy so he was probably the worst choice,, and its too much leg sorry guys mission failed ill get em next time

i felt a bit bad so i made another thing

lmao i tried drawing him more like the villain he kinda isnt and less like a baby boy that i very much so cherish,, s white skin cause im scared to kill my copics,, also i dont have seungs skin color but i mean its no different than usin white so ...

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lmao i tried drawing him more like the villain he kinda isnt and less like a baby boy that i very much so cherish,, s white skin cause im scared to kill my copics,, also i dont have seungs skin color but i mean its no different than usin white so i should probably just use them

and im trying to work on expressions so thats yeah

seung is like the only male in the story so far (im ignoring ji-hu and vasya) so im adding another one,, yall are gonna like him but i cant show him now cause i havent nailed his design yet,, just know that his name is noodle

k buruyyyeyyeuuye

Date: 4/14/19

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