another request :']

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hahhajhjah still updating because i have 0 self control hgfjkskjf

its another request for someone on amino lmao

his name is clement and he was made by Wagina on amino if ur interested

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his name is clement and he was made by Wagina on amino if ur interested

sometimes i think about why im doing requests for free because some of them rlly burn me out but the person i did this for reacted so positively it made me feel a lot better so guess ill drown in requests

thats pretty much all. lmao the only other interesting thing in my life is that i finally watched endgame. like 95% of it was literally not surprising because every heckign plot twist was spoiled for me (,,,i was warned about the fortnite,,,, and like a fool i didnt listen,,,))

but thats all byeyeyeyeyeyeye

Date: 5/20/19

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