First day out.

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I pulled up at the the hospital at 9:00. I knew Adrian probably was wondering where the fuck I was, I hope Riana surgery went well and Jasmine can come home, I'm tired of being at this damn hospital and me and Adrian got unfinished business..
I walked into the waiting room and I didn't see Adrian . Where the fuck this nigga at?
"Hello, ma'am? Is Riana Robinson out of surgery yet? I asked the lady at the desk

"Um, sir Mrs. Robinson has been removed to the 3rd floor, she's in a coma so you'll have to check in"

COMA???? DA FUCK??? ...

"Hustle nigga where the fuck you been?...
After the nurse came in with Jasmine stuff I picked her up off the bed and walked out the door. I know she need to learn how to walk straight again, but this her first day out so ima carry her.
I knew Riana had been placed on the floor but, I went to the waiting room to see if Hustle made it yet .

There his dumb ass go...

"Hustle nigga where the fuck you been?" I asked him.
"My bad G but, I stopped by the school Mrs. Burl gave  us two weeks to get shit straight but we can't miss anymore days" he explained.

A nigga did wanna graduate....

"Did you tell her what happen?"

"Ofcourse, Not. "

"Aight come on nigga" I told him, I explained to him everything that went down with Riana. The look on his face showed me he was hurt. Neither one of us ever had a real girl too busy ina bag but, I could tell my sister got him soft.

That's my blood but shit he the reason I found her.

We got to Riana room, I really hate to see her like this. Once this over and she turn 18 we gone put this all behind us and live our best life. Maybe, I'll give up my ownership with the Drug business and start my own shit.

The right way...
Riana **
I could hear everything but, I couldn't see shit. I couldn't move or talk. The doctors didn't even know I heard him when he told his nurses, they couldn't do anything else lie to my family and let me die.

Son of a bitch.. Right idea, wrong bitch. I will not die today.

"Is she dead?" I heard a female voice sound like she was crying.

"She gone be aite sis, she gone pull through." That female voice was my sister they must be in here.

You damn right I am.

**5 Days Later**


I pulled up to one of our trap houses and grabbed the duffel bag full of coke out of my trunk. With all this shit going on we lost a lot of money. We got a couple lil homies working a few corners but me and Adrian didn't trust a soul, we did most of our business and dirty work ourselves.

I walked to the door and put the code in. Yeah, my trap- house got techniques.. rather be safe then sorry..

"Sup Hustle? One of my workers Brandon spoke to me

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"Sup Hustle? One of my workers Brandon spoke to me. He's 18, me and Adrian met him a few years back he solid so, I let him run things when we can't."

"What's Good? How's the cash flow?" I asked.

We only made 20k....

"20k? Nigga, the fuck? Me and Adrian make that in a day"'I snapped.

"Well, I'm not you or Adrian"
"What the fuck you just say to me??? I snatched him up without thinking, lost his damn mind playing with my money, I'll blow his fucking brains out.

My phone started ringing, I looked to see it was Adrian. I let him go and answered.

"Talk to me run ya mouth"
"Riana, coming home today."

I'll handle this nigga later he pissed me off and I no longer trust him, I collected the money he did have and made him leave. I locked the trap down and headed to the hospital....
Riana surprised everyone and did a whole 360. She still have blood clots but they removed enough for her to live and her heart is now functioning right.

I'm so happy I get to go home today. Well, Adrian's home or Hustle whoever.
With me being sick and worrying about Jas I didn't realize that me and my sister now have to start new life's with a guy we don't even know like that.
Although, he been nothing but real to us Him and Hustle. But, even my father was a good man before he turned cold. I gotta look after Jasmine, no matter what.
"Aight, so Riana you and Jasmine will come live with me at Hustle house. 5 bedroom nothing but room just until we graduate." Adrian explained to me.

The doctors just released me and we were waiting on Hustle to pick us up. .

I don't know how I feel about this but I really don't have a choice.

"Okay. But the little things we do own like clothes for school, shoes, and personal things at my Father house, we have nothing" I told him walking beside him and Jasmine was walking behind us. She have her moments, I know she is scarred and will take time to heal mentally..

"Don't worry about that me and Hustle will take y'all shopping get everything y'all need and want" he said.

I wonder where him and hustle worked to be papered up like that.

"Adrian what type of work do you do?" I asked..

Don't worry about that.....

I pulled up to the very front of the hospital I saw Adrian, Riana and Jasmine waiting.

Damn, they was ready ready...

I put my car in park and got out, Jasmine wasted no time hopping in the back, I walked over to Riana and opened the door for her.

"Get in the front, Ree" I told her with the door open.

"Well, Damn just take my spot. Where ima sit now?" Adrian said sounding like a jealous hoe..

The trunk nigga...let's dip!
I haven't told Adrian yet about me handling shit at the trap while he was at the hospital, I will later. Instead of going straight home I went to the mall.

It took 20 minutes to get there.
" Real niggas think alike" Adrian said. Everybody got out the car and walked in. Adrian was carrying Jasmine around everywhere she went. He found one of those kids car cart things so she could drive herself, overgrown ass but she fit tho.

I reached into my pocket and grabbed the money.

"Here go $10,000 You and Jasmine go to every store in this muthafucka if y'all want, ball out." I said handing her the money.
She looked at me shocked as hell.
"Hustle, you didn't have to-"
"yes , I did "
That's from me and Adrian.. I told her looking over to him. He nodded agreeing to what I said..

"While y'all shopping me and Adrian gone go sit down at the food cart" I handed her my phone. " the code is 2014 call " Bro A" if y'all need us ... " I told her.

She pulled me and Adrian into a big hug jasmine joined.
"Thank you so much!"
After, Riana and Jasmine walked off me and Adrian went to the food cart and took a sit, we really needed some time to talk.

"Adrian, I went to the trap today, where we left Brandon to hold shit down, I know with us being absent for 8 days we lost money but this nigga only had 20k we make double that even on a bad week" I told him.

"Fuck that, we got bigger shit to worry about whats that petty change? We fire him and if he try some hoe shit, we kill him.. simple" Adrian said bluntly..

He was right, I'll handle Brandon another day... After they finish shopping ima take them home and show them around.. We gotta go back to school in tomorrow so I guess a nigga gotta get back on schedule . .

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