x. fede

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Chloe saw Home's disappearance as fate. After all, they were clearly lacking the motivation to venture into the pointy woods. Ichimi, while madly in love with the boy, wasn't too keen on the idea. They came to a decision in a conversation that went something like this:

"Ichi, what did we find in our last adventure?"


"The one before that?"


"And the very first?"


"So," Chloe concluded, "there's only one way we haven't gone. And that is?"




"The woods!" Chloe exclaimed triumphantly.

"The woods." Ichimi repeated defeatedly.

So they packed. Chloe stuffed her carrybag full of tools, camping stuffs, and pink berries, while Ichimi stuffed her's half full with cosy covers, paper, and an assortment of aesthetically pleasing stones (full packs were quite heavy, and Ichimi needed some way to keep up with Chloe if they were chased by the real brown beast).

They left six hoots after the sun returned, following Home's footprints to a place far away, where the owls hooted curiously and the trees shrieked furiously, where Home's head was thrust into the numbing snow, his tiny hands tightly clamped together. 

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