xxxix. il cielo

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What chilly unpleasantness did not reside in this very spot? In this big, endless white spot? Chloe was unsure. It was now four unseen suns into their radical adventure and she wasn't sure of many things anymore.

Except for that they were hungry. Pink berries were rare as can be; their stomachs thrashed with hunger and grumbled like death, furious fires within cold containers.

Gates would reveal themselves to the girls. Each would be entered and exited with the humble belief that their exit was the beginning of something new, not simply more unhappiness, and that idea kept them walking.

Overall, the sky's foggy countenance remained constant. It enveloped their little selves; at times, the enormity of its presence smothered them.

Worse and worse things were becoming, but still they went on, putting one unfeeling foot forward, looking glumly for the next gate. As their minds were so blurry, their sensibility seemed blurry also. Keeping going was almost easier than turning around, when turning around would take such strenuous thinking. One foot, then another, and then a trip, but oh!, no matter, get up, look boldly to the sky and plod forth again. 

FootprintsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora