xiv. borchia

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Ichimi was scared. Judging from the pitch of the last "Home!", she would assume her one true love was too. But she had to be the brave one here! The boss of the relationship! Mighty! Like the big brown beast! Like... like Chloe!

What went where? She had managed to tie a (doubtful) knot around a particularly thick tree and was attempting to do the same to a particularly thick branch. Hoisted up on a trunk, it was hard to hear her thoughts over the blaring wind. Her hands, even through the extra-warm mittens, were numb and fumbly.

"Home," said Home, trying to help. Home did not help. The branch gave way and bonked Ichimi on the head, sending her hurtling back to the ground. Smothering grey filled her face, and she leapt up, spluttering. The cruel wind sharpened, catching her bedding and sending it catapulting into the shadowy sky.

Home went running after it. "Don't go!" Ichimi wheezed. "Come back, Home!"

This was a matter of pride, she reminded herself for the eighth time so far. They would survive the stormy weather come back with some amazing discovery! Prove that there was something amazing in these woods! She knew it. Home was taking them there. It was that look toward the horizon, that nostalgic sadness she saw so often... as if he was looking for something, something so important...

Home came moping back. The bedding was lost.

"It's okay, Home." She paused. "We're going to find it, aren't we?" Ichimi thought she finally understood, after pondering upon pondering. What it all meant. It was repeated in front of her over and over! How silly she'd been! "Your Home."

Home looked at her. Realised what she'd said. Suddenly and beautifully, his eyes lit up with an ethereal blue. "Home!" he cried. She was right!

But then clouds shocked them again; this time a terrible, mocking groan, as if preparing to imbue whatever nastiness they harboured onto the poor children beneath. They were black, monstrous, throttling the sky with ill-intent. Way to ruin a moment. Ichimi couldn't think of anything less comfy-looking.

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