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"Asuna! Asuna, come here!" Kazuto cried out happily. 

"What?" Asuna asked, intrigued. 

"I think I figured out how to get Yui IRL!"

"WHAT?!" Asuna screamed, jumping up. 

"Yep." Kazuto said, "Can you come help me?" 

"YES!" Asuna ran over to the work room in their cozy cottage. Their cottage IRL is similar to the one in Alfheim. But there's a couple add-ons. 

A kitchen, living room, bedroom, and bathroom, like the one in game. But also was a work room, where Kazuto could build and design the new virtual world he was working on. 

Asuna's opened a cute coffee shop behind the cottage. She had Kirito help her when she needed it, but other than that she worked alone. 

They added two more bedrooms, one a guest, and one in case Yui was ever able to come to the real world. 


"Yui!" Asuna cried out. 

"Mommy! Daddy!" 

Yui looked at herself, seeing she looked as she did in the game. 

She had on her pink nightgown. Her skin was pale and her hair was dark. She had the same enchanting smile and adorable voice. 

"You can transport from game to here. Whenever you want." Kazuto said. 

"So...I can live here with you?"

Asuna looked at Kazuto and almost began to cry.  

"Yes, Yui." Kazuto whispered. 

"You can live with us." Asuna finished. 

"Forever?" Yui asked hopefully. 

"Forever." Asuna and Kazuto hugged Yui tightly. 

Kirito And AsunaWhere stories live. Discover now