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"Asuna and I will take the front. Liz and Klein go behind us. Leafa and Silica, get your healing spells ready! And Sinon take the back and shoot arrows." Kirito says. "Yui, you can just fly around wherever!"

"Okay daddy!"

"LET'S GO!" Asuna pushes open the door to see a dark room.

A giant boss comes out of the shadows. 

It is like a huge mule on two legs with too many arms holding too many weapons. 

"Oh. my. god!" Liz exclaims.

"Now that may be worse than Death Gun..." Sinon trails off.

"Let's fight!" Asuna yells out.

Kirito and Asuna rush towards the boss, both screaming their battle cries. Asuna strikes the boss hard and Kirito follows. Liz and Klein come up behind the boss and cut the back of him. The boss turns around immediately to strike them, but Liz and Klein run in opposite directions to avoid him. Klein gets a bit hurt so Leafa and Silica start to heal him. They also heal everyone else a bit, just in case. Sinon shoots a very powerful arrow right into the heart of the boss and he crumples. 

"EVERYONE GO!!!" Kirito screams.

Kirito, Asuna, Liz, and Klein rush towards the boss and begin fighting as hard as possible. Sinon shoots more arrows at the boss. Each one hits him in the heart or stomach. Kirito gets knocked down and so does Asuna so Leafa and Silica heal them. Liz screams out her battle cry and strikes the beast once again. Kirito, Asuna, and Klein all do the same. Then, Kirito and Asuna sink their swords into the beast and he turns to nothing. 

"THAT. WAS. INCREDIBLE." A mysterious figure says from the back of the room. "I never thought just you people could defeat THAT boss. I put him here for advanced players and yet you've beat him."

"Who are you?!" Leafa asks in a wobbly voice. 

"Who am I doesn't matter. What I will help you do is what does."

"What will you help us do?" Klein blurts out.

Klein receives multiple elbows to his ribs. 

"I am going to make you 7 people more powerful than any other person in this world. I will make you legends that regular gamers could only dream of! In the real world you'll be famous and--"

"You're trying to make a business deal with us." Asuna interrupts. 

"No. I'm trying to live up to my father's legend. Of...well...making legends."

"I'm confused..." Liz says and looks around the group.

"I think he's just trying to scam us!" Klein answers to Liz.

"No." Kirito mutters. "I think he's trying to..."

"Young man, I must ask if your name is Kirito?"  

Kirito's eyes don't look up from the ground and his hair waves through the air. His fists clench and mouth tightens.

"Look, we don't want any scams or business deals or legends or whatever." Klein begins blurting out ridiculous stuff. 

"Stop." Sinon says. "I think we know him."

"Know him?" Asuna laughs nervously. "How could we know him?"

"Were you a GGO player?" Sinon asks bluntly.

"Why does that matter?" The figure responds.

"Were you a GGO player?" Sinon repeats with more force this time.


"Were you a death gun?"

An evil smile forms on the man's lips and he steps into the light of the room.


"EVERYONE GET OUT OF HERE!" Kirito screams.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2019 ⏰

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