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aoife awoke the next morning, not feeling too enthusiastic about the day to come. she would be working, once again, the bar deciding not to close for new year's day, only she'd get the night shift on both new year's eve and day. aoife pulled herself out of bed after lying there and staring at the ceiling for a good fifteen minutes. aoife trotted out of her room, walking into her living space and seeing the absolute state it was in. aoife groaned, running her fingers through her knotted blonde hair. there was the half empty wine bottle on her counter from the night before, there was a pile of folded clothes on the arm of the sofa and aoife was beginning to see the top of the dishes that were piling up in the sink. her bedroom wasn't much better, it was like a jungle of clothes and shoes, empty water bottles lining her dresser. aoife was praying that at least one room in the small apartment was clean but she knew that it definitely was not the case. the bathroom was always the messiest room of them all. her various makeup products surrounding the sink, the pile of laundry always overflowing and bottles of shampoo, conditioner and body washes alike thrown around the shower. aoife massaged he temples as she attempted to avoid stressing herself out. she knew that the quicker she made a move on getting the apartment clean, the quicker it would happen.

before cleaning, aoife took out her phone, seeing a number of comments on the instagram that she posted just before heading off to bed the night before. she smiled slightly at her sister's comment, which was posted just thirty minutes ago. it came as no surprise to aoife that niamh was severely hungover, when that girl drank she was a big believer in go big or go home. aoife liked the comment before replying to her, letting her know that she knew about her amazing performance of 'YMCA' at whatever party she was at. her eyes skimmed through a few other comments, finding one from leanna and some guy named joe. leanna's tagging joe and another man named Gwilym, in which she introduced them as the 'single friends.' aoife clicked on the each of the boy's instagram, snooping around, recognising them as the guys from the video. aoife lingered on joe's instagram a bit longer than she did on gwilym's, something about him intrigued her. she followed the account, being quite amused by some of the content that was posted. she went back to the comments, now checking another person's instagram that niamh had tagged, his name was ben and aoife didn't spend long on it, considering there was probably a reason leanna didn't tag him when she tagged the others. aoife clicked back to the home screen, going to her contacts to text niamh.

just bc i'm a great person and i'm lonely, i'll be over in about two hours with soup

god bless your kind soul
read at 11:34am
you do know where to go, right?

yes, you wrote it on my mirror the other night so i couldn't forget it

my golly, i did
read at 11:41 am

aoife put her phone down, ready to start the housework. game face on, hair swept out of her eyes, it was go time. the girl moved the dishes to the dishwasher, put away her wine, taking a small sip before she did, moving the clothes to wardrobe. aoife cleaned, swept and mopped until she could see her face beaming back at her from the floors. aoife checked the time seeing it coming up on twelve thirty, meaning she had to be at niamh's in about a half an hour. aoife dropped everything, heading to get changed. aoife decided on just picking up some soup from the bistro nearby, knowing that niamh wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

aoife left her apartment, walking the short distance to where niamh was staying with leanna. aoife pulled her coat around her tightly as she walked, her cheeks tinting pink from the cold. aoife entered the apartment complex, sighing contentedly at the heat that hit her as soon as she entered. aoife walked the flight of stairs to the apartment, rounding the corner to find leanna pulling a man down the corridor. "hey, leanna," aoife greeted as they pulled each other into a small hug. even though the girls weren't close, they grew up together, leanna was always round at her house growing up and aoife had just grown used to her presence, she actually quite enjoyed the company of the younger girl. "i'm guessing she's absolutely shitfaced." aoife sighed, raising an eyebrow at leanna. "and you'd be correct, my friend," leanna laughed, aoife letting out a small huff. "happy new year's, by the way," leanna added, smiling sweetly. aoife's eyes glanced from leanna to the guy standing behind her. she was almost sure that he was the 'ben' guy that was tagged on her instagram by niamh. "you too leanna, now you seem quite busy, so i'll let you get back to your lover boy." aoife smirked, ready to walk the small distance to the girl's apartment. leanna muttered a 'shut up," before returning to the blonde. aoife walked by him and sent him a small smile. "blondie," she winked, not leaving him much time to reply before she stalked down the hallway, knocking on the door.

aoife pushes the door open and walked into the main living area, her eyes going wide when they landed on the kitchen. "what the fuck happened here?" she gasped out, seeing Cocoa-pops spilled everywhere. her eyes finding her sister on the couch, with a pillow over her face. "blonde bastard." niamh choked out, aoife assuming that she was talking about the guy leanna was with. aoife stumbled over the mess to sit in the armchair beside the sofa niamh was sprawled over. aoife grabbed the pillow off her sister's face, causing niamh to hiss at the light. "soup, water, aspirin." aoife handed niamh the bag of stuff she brought with her. "you're an angel, aoife," niamh whispered, afraid that if she yelled she'd do more damage to her headache. aoife watched as her sister made use of the items that she brought, "what are your plans for tonight?" niamh questioned, raising her eyebrow at her sister. "i'm working at that god forsaken bar again," aoife groaned, resting her head on her hand. "i don't know why you don't just quit." niamh mumbled, "i can't afford to quit, and there's no way i'm going back to do law." aoife huffed. "you loved law when you were studying it, what even happened?" niamh pressed further, trying to get some answers from her sister. "when you're on the stand, trying to get the plaintiff back one hundred and fifty pounds that they lost because they didn't get value for money, believe me it isn't worth it." aoife did love law but she wanted an exciting career and unfortunately, that's not what london had to offer. "what are you doing tonight then?" aoife asked, changing the subject to niamh, "probably getting shitfaced again!" niamh snorted, prompting aoife to roll her eyes. "might do it at your bar as well," niamh smirked, knowing that aoife wouldn't want her little sister to show up at her work and get so unbelievably drunk. instead, aoife decided to challenge her sister, "be my guest, as long as you bring your hot friends." you see, aoife didn't think niamh would do it, but it seems that she second guessed her little sister.

~ •° 《 ☆ 》 °• ~


which may or may not be uploaded tonight ;)

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