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for joe, it was another sleepless night. aoife once again consuming his thoughts. she had kissed him. she was obviously intoxicated but there had to be a reason why she did it. the whole thing came as shock to him, he had known aoife for a total of forty eight hours, at most. yet, joe couldn't shake the bonde, irishwoman from his thoughts. shockingly enough, joe felt something when she kissed him. it was like electricity. he hadn't felt like this with anyone else before, nobody back in the states was able to light a fire within him like aoife james had. "jesus joe, you've known her for two days, get a grip," joe thought to himself, mentally scolding himself before turning over attempting to get a few hours of sleep.

unlike joe, aoife crashed moments after he left. not having any thoughts consuming her mind, but that's how she liked it, even if i meant being in a drunken haze or having to deal with a killer hangover in the morning. but the real question was, would she remember it the next day? probably not. if she did remember it, would she regret it? maybe not. she already admitted to herself that she had an attraction to joe but she wasn't sure if he even liked her as a person. would niamh kill aoife if she found out that she attempted to snog her newly made friend? with a doubt. when the two girls were growing up, niamh had made a friend with a girl in her year who's brother was in aoife's year in school, the two then met because of niamh and her friend and a relationship developed, which niamh was not impressed with.

joe woke with a start. a whole twenty minutes of sleep? good on ya joe! he had a pounding headache due to the lack of sleep he had been getting over the past few weeks, joe was exhausted but he couldn't find a way to sleep. rami was in the kitchen pouring himself a glass of orange juice. "you seem happy this morning," joe commented, walking past him to the fridge. "i was a responsible drunk last night," rami grinned causing joe to raise an eyebrow at his friend. "i don't even want to know what that means," joe sighed, shutting the fridge. "dude, we literally have no food!" joe groaned looking at rami. "and now we have no orange juice," rami laughed, tossing the empty carton to the side. joe shook his head, "looks like we need to get shopping."

aoife woke slowly, a groan emitting from her lips as soon as her eyes fluttered open. looks like drunk aoife never thought to shut the blinds or curtains. the pain in her head hit her like a train. she did not remember anything from the nigh before but considering how bad her hangover was, she was in no way surprised. aoife sat up on her bed and the realisation hit her. it was shopping day. aoife groaned mentally at the thought of it. food shopping? yeah, no thanks. today was definitely not the best day for her to be shopping, all she wanted to do was lie in bed all day and wait out the hangover. but unfortunately, aoife couldn't do that. if she didn't shop for food today, aoife would have nothing left in the house. aoife pulled herself out of bed and got ready, slowly, for the day. aoife then left the house with sunglasses pulled over her eyes and a dose of aspirin.

"no rami, we don't need to buy cookies in the shape of animals, put them back." joe sighed as he pushed the cart through asda, rami was trying to buy one of absolutely everything in the shop, it was like bringing a four year old to the store. joe and rami rounded the corner, almost bumping into a blonde woman who was turning at the exact same time. "oh my god, i'm so sorr- aoife?" joe started before coming to the realisation of who he almost kocked out with the cart. aoife winced at the volume of his voice before attempting to send back a weak smile. "hey joe," she responded weakly, joe opened his mouth to speak but was instantly interrupted by rami. "hey aoife! damn, i wish i was cool enough to wear sunglasses inside!" aoife managed to muster a small laugh at rami's comment but all joe could do was sigh. "nice to see you too, rami." 

 joe watched aoife carefully looking for any signs of rememberance from the night before but the sunglasses covering her eyes made it extremely hard to see what she was feeling exactly.  the scenes from the night before replayed over and over constantly, it was something that he couldn't seem to shake. joe was intrigued by aoife and there was an attraction there but he didn't know the girl. aoife was obviously someone who was quite lonely. from knowing niamh, joe already knew about aoife. she was practically alone in london, leaving a lifetime behind in ireland. aoife had expressed her feelings about her job and her previous studies, she was clearly someone who was lost. the thought of aoife kissing him because she was lonely hurt joe. though others may not understand why. joe didn't even know why.

joe was pulled out of his thoughts by rami snapping his fingers at him. joe scowled at his friend, rami knew that joe absolutely hated when people did that. "i was just telling aoife how filming is going, you should come to set one of the days." rami suggested, aoife had always appreaciated film and the amazing people behind them and it'd be interesting to actually see one in action. "that'd be...nice." niamh has always told aoife that she needs to get out more. maybe this could be a start, granted she's now in her thirties but hey, better late than never.

"looking forward to it." rami took off down the aisles, gliding as he went. aoife let an amused smile spread across her face as she watched him. "sorry about him, he somehow doesn't have a hangover last night," aoife raised an eyebrow at joe, picking up her basket and scanning the shelves. "oh, so he does speak?" she joked. aoife couldn't help but notice how quiet joe seemed to be. despite only knowing him for a few days, she could tell something was on his mind. every other time they had been together, joe was the life of the party and after stalking his instagram for a bit, he always seemed to be that way. but his head seemed to be in a different place today. and the curiosity was eating away at aoife, what had happened? "you okay? you seem a bit off," aoife asked offering him a sympathetic smile. joe waved his hand dismissively at aoife, forcing a smile onto his face. "yeah, i'm fine just a bit tired." aoife looked at joe skeptically, it was clearly a lie. his eyes were shifting around the shop refusing to look at her directly and he was playing with his hands. really joe? trying to lie to someone trained to spot a liar on the stand and in the heat of the moment? not your best moment. "right, well i've to get going. see ya around joesph!" and with that she had rounded the corner.

joe watched as aoife left, his heart breaking slightly. she didn't remember.

//ive no idea how i want them to get together lol send help//

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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