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when joe returned home that night, aoife's words lingered in his head. was in love or was he lonely? he was definitely lonely, england wasn't his home. london was beautiful but to him it was no new york. america was his home and it was where he was supposed to be. his whole life was there. joe lay staring at ceiling in the place he was renting while the movie was being shot. it was coming up to five thirty in the morning and sleep seemed to be nowhere in sight. he tossed and turned but it wasn't going to happen, it was just another sleepless night for joe.

aoife had left not long after joe had. she entered her apartment, her own words on her mind. she has had a few nights full of four am thoughts. as of right now, she was lonely. she didn't quite know why. aoife was the one who decided to leave birr and move to london all those years ago, leaving niamh alone in an empty household. in london, aoife only really had one friend, iyla. iyla's friend kara often tagged along with them- or aoife often tagged along with them. kara and iyla grew up together and had been best friends since the age of four, while aoife met them when she started working at the bar five years ago. aoife and kara weren't close, aoife probably couldn't even tell you when kara's birthday was. the night dragged on, aoife finally getting to bed and under the duvet at almost six am. the girl waited for sleep to come, but it never came.

aoife pulled herself out of bed, just an  hour after getting into it. she moved to put on the kettle and leaned against the counter, waiting for it to boil. she could feel a slight headache starting due to the lack of sleep. she grabbed her phone off the counter, seeing that she had a text from iyla saying that she and kara were picking her up and taking her out for breakfast at nine thirty. aoife groaned, today wasn't the best, no sleep and aoife wasn't the best combination. she always tried to keep her spirits but when she had no sleep, she just felt ill and unmotivated. the kettle boiled and aoife made herself a cup of coffee. despite how hot it was, aoife downed the contents in the cup. she felt a slight kick of energy but knew very well that it was only temporary. aoife entered her bedroom and began to get ready to start the day.

joe had finally fallen asleep but he had only received forty minutes sleep at most. he woke to hear rami move around their shared apartment. the boy removed himself from the warmth of his bed and left his bedroom, finding rami and lucy in the living room rehearsing some lines. work was to start again on the fourth and joe couldn't wait, work was something that always kept his spirits up. that may sound unusual to some but when you find something that you love to do, work becomes more of a joy. "morning," joe mumbled to the pair, earning a cheerful smile from lucy. "morning joe! we're heading out for breakfast and we're going to try and get the whole gang to come, wanna join?" lucy beamed, smiling up at him. "sure." joe shrugged, not really caring, any excuse to get out of the house. joe left the pair to run their lines, getting ready for a day that he assumed would be dreadful.

aoife heard a knock at her door at exactly nine thirty, opening it to find kara and iyla. with small conversation between the three, the headed out to breakfast. "i'm sorry aoife but you look absolutely dreadful, are you okay?" iyla asked, watching aoife through the rear view mirror of her car. "yeah, i'm fine, didn't get much sleep," aoife replied. she was more than aware of how horrible she looked, no amount of concealer was able to cover up the bags that had formed under her eyes.

joe had experienced quite a similar car ride to aoife's. they stopped at niamh and leanna's, that lucy knew the address to and found niamh passed out on the living room floor, making it obvious that she was absolutely shitfaced the night before. they then stopped at ben's, where they found ben and leanna in the kitchen. gwilym had met them at ben's and the group were off.

aoife entered the duck & waffle, trailing behind iyla and kara. the trio took a seat at a small table, scanning the menus. iyla and kara sat on one side of the table emerged in a hushed conversation while aoife sat staring at the table. the doorbell above the door rang, signalling that another person had entered. aoife's eyes landed on the door to find more than one
person entering, but her eyes immediately landed on the tall brunette trailing behind the group, he was trying to keep in good spirits but aoife could see straight through the facade. it wasn't long until his brown eyes found her green ones, a small smile forming on his face. aoife tore her eyes away from the beautiful being and scanned the rest of the group. she saw everyone that she met the night before but this time leanna and blondie were with them. niamh spotted her sister and a small smirk played on her lips. niamh strutted over to her, practically claiming the large table next to aoife's as the groups. "morning sister dearest," niamh smirked, wrapping her arm around her sister's shoulder. "morning niamh, i'm surprised you're up," aoife replied finding the two girl's watching them with a perplexed look on their faces. "oh yeah, this is niamh, my sister." aoife introduced niamh to them. "hi! i'm iyla! i've heard all about you!" iyla greeted, smiling at niamh. "all bad i hope," niamh smirked as the rest of the group joined them.

the two groups had merged together and aoife learned that blondie's name is actually ben and that he was playing roger in the bohemian rhapsody movie, and that he was in fact the person leanna was 'seeing'. "well joe, have to figured it out yet?" aoife asked, turning to face joe. "what are you talking about?" "are you lonely or in love?" aoife sang watching him with a small smile. "neither." joe replied simply, shrugging. "you haven't figured it out then." joe watched aoife carefully, he wanted to know why the girl spoke and acted the way she did. she was definitely the most interesting person he had come across in quite some time now. nobody had managed to stay on his mind for this long, her words always lingered in his mind, and they had only known each other for a day now.

"so how's filming going?" iyla asked directing the question at the boy's and lucy. "great! definitely better than we ever expected." rami exclaimed, a large smile spreading across his face at the mention of the movie. "i didn't expect to get along with the rest of cast as well as i do," ben smiled but an unmissable smirk came across niamh's face, "you seem to get along with the crew better." the girl commented, nodding her head towards leanna. niamh winced and it began quite clear that leanna had kicked her from underneath the table causing aoife to laugh for the first time that day. "no but really, the cast get along scarily well," leanna said, shooting a glare at niamh. leanna took her phone out, opening the gallery and pushing it towards the three girls. the girl's watched as a video played, ben and gwilym singing 'crazy little thing called love' before the camera cut to joe who was beside them but singing and dancing to 'boss ass bitch'.

the two groups fell into conversation, aoife finally speaking properly to kara and iyla. the blonde girl then turned to joe, "you're unusually quiet," aoife muttered to him but he picked up on it effortlessly. "unusually? we met yesterday! how would you know?" joe said a smile on his face. "from stories that have just been shared and that lovely video i had the pleasure of seeing." aoife smirked, joe seemed like the type of person that you always wanted to be around, the one everyone wanted to be friends with. "just didn't get much sleep last night," joe shrugged. "ah, thinking about what i said."

"we're going out tonight," niamh exclaimed, watching her sister open her mouth to protest. "i saw your work schedule, you ain't busy, you're coming." niamh said bluntly, watching her. aoife huffed and raised her eyebrows at her little sister. "i'll go out, if you stay sober tonight," aoife challenged, narrowing her eyes at niamh. "challenge accepted." aoife hated when niamh said those words because niamh never turned down a challenge, she also never failed one and it looked like she was going out tonight.

a/n; highkey wanna write the next chapter now

also i ate a kinder surprise while writing this and i just thought i'd express my love for them okay ty

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