Chapter 4

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Mia's POV

"Umm...h-hi," stuttered Adam, offering his trembling hand towards Dakota. "My name is Adam."

"I know," chuckled Dakota, shaking Adam's outstretched hand. He was used to this.

I shook my head. "You people are so old," I said, folding my arms across my chest. "I mean, who shakes hands upon meeting each other? How old are you guys, 50?"

Dakota automatically turned around to face me, glaring. "Well, at least someone had the decency to take my hand."

"Wait, what?" asked Adam, furrowing his eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing!" I immediately hissed, not wanting to draw attention on the fact that I refused to take Dakota's hand.

Adam shifted. "But he said that-"

"It doesn't concern you!"


"Adam, it's okay," said Dakota, moving forward. "It's nothing to be worried about."

"Okay, if you say so," said Adam, nodding towards Dakota.

"Um, wait, hold on!" I cried, suddenly remembering my parents. "Adam, Mom and Dad aren't home, and it's almost time for dinner. Can you call them ask them when they're coming home?"

Adam groaned. "I'm too lazy to get my phone. It's all the way at the bottom of my backpack.

"You're not gonna call Mom and Dad because you're to lazy to open your backpack?!" I exclaimed.

"No, there's also the part where I have to walk all the way there, and then unzip my backpack."


"Why can't you just do it?" he whined.

"Because my phone's dead," I replied, putting a hand on my hip.

"Can you get it from my bag and call them for me?" asked Adam with pleading eyes. "I really don't feel like moving from my spot, and I wanna get to know Dakota.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, whatever," I gave in, walking towards his backpack to take his phone.

"Thanks," he grinned, walking into the kitchen and gesturing for Dakota to follow him.

"Oh, so you can't walk 3 steps to get to your backpack in the living room, but you can walk 6 steps to show Dakota into the kitchen," I said, folding my arms. "I thought you didn't feel like moving from your place."

He groaned. "Just shut up, will you?"

"That's what people with no comebacks say," I said, smirking.

He glared at me. "Can't you just-"

"Wow, you guys argue a lot don't you? interrupted Dakota.

"What? Oh, yeah, something like that," said Adam, shrugging. "Anyway, come on, I'll show you around the kitchen."

"Okay," said Dakota, nodding his head.

I walk over to Adam's backpack and take out his phone, ready to call Mom. However, just before I make the call, a message pops on the screen.

Sweetie: Hey babe! I know you just came home from my house, but I miss u already!💖 When do u wanna meet up again?

My jaw dropped to the ground, and my eyes turned into saucers.

Adam has...a girlfriend?

Is that where he's been spending all his time lately?

I look at Adam, and then at the message, and then at Adam, and then at the message.

My eyes keep going back and forth between them, but Adam must've noticed, because a moment later, he said, "Umm...why are you looking at me like you've just figured out how dumb you actually are?"

"Very funny," I said, crossing my arms and glaring at him. "Actually, I'm doing the complete opposite. I'm trying to figure out why any girl on this planet would ever go out with someone as dumb as you."

His eyes widened and his cheeks turned pink. "Wait, what? What are you talking about?"

"Your brother's dating someone?" exclaimed Dakota, a wide grin spread across his face.

"No I'm not!" cried Adam.

"Dude, it's not something to be ashamed of," said Dakota, shaking his head. "You should be out there bragging about it, not denying it!"

"But I'm not dating anyone!" he insisted.

"Then explain this," I demanded, marching over to them and showing the message.

Adam looked mortified, running his hand through the back of his hair. "Umm..."

"Damn," said Dakota, grinning. "She must really like you."

"I'd prefer not to talk about her," he said, his cheeks turning the deepest shade of red.

"Who is she?" I demanded.

"I think it'll be better for all of us if you don't know her."

I frowned. "Do Mom and Dad know her?"

"What? I mean, know," he said, looking embarrassed. "They've seen her around before, but they don't know we're together."

"You've saved her name on your as sweetie," laughed Dakota.

"Who is she?" I insisted.

"Yeah, come on dude, tell us," said Dakota, a smile playing on his lips.

He pointed at Dakota. "You don't know her," he said, backing away from us. "And you," he said, now pointing at me while edging towards the staircase, "Will know when I'm ready to tell you," he declared, racing up the stairs.

"Huh. I wonder if that day's ever gonna come," I wondered aloud.

"Oh, don't worry. It will," said Dakota, smirking.

And that's when I came to my senses.

"Mm hmm, maybe," I said, walking towards the fridge.

Remember, try to ignore him as much as possible, said my sub-conscious. Maybe than he'd get the memo and leave me alone.

"So," said Dakota, swinging his arms back and forth with a grin. "What should we do now?"

"You could do whatever you want," I said in a robotic voice, turning my back on him while looking for my cinnamon rolls. "I don't really care about what you do, as long as you leave me alone."

I turned around to face him, but when I saw the expression on his face, I immediately wished I could take back what I said. He looked pained - as though the words I had said hurt his feelings.

I felt really guilty, but I couldn't bring myself to apologize; it would blow my cover. It'll show that I care.

Which I don't, obviously.

So instead, I just stared at him, keeping my expression neutral, waiting for him to be the first to say something.

"I guess I just assumed that since your brother is holed up in his room," he whispered, his voice quavering, "You would be the one to show me around the house." He shifted in his spot. "I guess I was wrong."

"Dakota, listen - "

"No, you listen," he insisted, glaring at me. "The way you treat me, it's like I'm not worthy enough of your attention; like I'm not important enough for you to talk to me, and like you'd rather be doing anything else than having a simple conversation with me.


"Do you know how rude it is to talk to someone without looking at them?"


"I mean, am I really that unlikable?

"Listen - "

"No, I've had it with you!" he snapped, looking straight into my eyes. "If you don't want to hang out with me, then fine; neither do I."

And with that, he stormed off.


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