Chapter 7

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Cinnamon rolls are the most heavenly food human kind has ever created.

No joke.

As the smell came wafting towards me, a broad grin crept across my face. They were so good. So freaking good. It took up all my willpower not to just run to them right away and gobble up a dozen of them in one go. They were something I would never ever get bored of.

I wish I could just keep eating them for eternity.

I sprinted towards the pantry and swiped the box of cinnamon rolls, grinning in delight, before a huge frown spreads across my face.

There was only one cinnamon roll left.

Just one.

I groaned in frustration. How could this be happening to me? Didn't I buy them just two days ago? How did I manage to eat them so quickly?

Well, I guess I'm just gonna have to manage with what I have.

I grabbed the one and only cinnamon roll I had left and was just about to take a huge bite out of it when, suddenly, I heard footsteps shuffle behind me. "Watch out Mia, or you're gonna get fat," a familiar voice snickered.

I whirled around to face my idiot of a brother, folding my arms in annoyance. "Gee thanks, Adam. You only remind me every time I eat cinnamon rolls."

"That's because it's true. What's with your weird obsession over them anyway?" he asks as Crystal and Andrew arrive downstairs. What took them so long to come downstairs? I wondered as Adam continued to talk. "I mean, no offense, but I don't want to be known as the guy with the fat sister. It would ruin my reputation."

Crystal elbows him in the stomach. "Be nice to your sister!" she reprimands.

"Oww!" he bellows in pain, glaring daggers at Crystal. "What's your problem woman?"

"Whoa!" I race over to them, still holding my half eaten cinnamon roll. "You did not just call my best friend woman!"

Adam glares at me. "I can call her whatever I want. What are you gonna do about it?"

"Adam, I swear - "

"Guys!" Crystal shouted, looking very flustered. "It's okay. Just drop it." She rubbed her arms, her cheeks pink.

I whirled around to face her, astonished at how she was reacting. "Crystal, didn't you hear him?! How can you just let him-"

"Miss me?" a voice interrupted.

My gaze shifted to a pair of strikingly beautiful deep blue eyes, so blue they almost looked black.

"Hey Dakota!" Adam greeted, nodding towards the owner of those blue eyes.

Dakota was staring right back at me. My gaze shifted to his defined cheek bones and chiseled jaw, down to his broad shoulders and muscular arms. I mentally face palmed myself. Why did he have to be so good looking? Didn't he know how hard it was for me to ignore him when he was that attractive?

I immediately averted my eyes, shifting my attention towards my uneaten cinnamon roll. "Um...what took you so long to come downstairs?"

He narrowed his eyes. "You were staring at me."

My cheeks turned scarlet, embarrassed to be caught staring. "Was not."

"Was too!"

"Was not!"

"Was too! Admit it, Mia. You were checking me out," he smirked.

Whoa! What's with the sudden change in attitude?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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