Chapter 5

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Dakota's POV

"So Dakota!" gushed Mrs.Summers, a wide grin on her face. "How are you?"

"I'm great, thanks!" I replied with equal enthusiasm, glad that at least someone in this house was happy I was here.

We were currently sitting at the dining table, eating dinner, and I've been never been more relieved. I mean, their whole family were strangers to me, and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to make a good first impression.

Exhibit A: Mia Summers.

Luckily for me, though, Mr. and Mrs.Summers seemed very warm and welcoming.

"How's school?" asked Mr.Summers, cutting open his chicken.

"It's been great!" I replied.

"I heard you're captain of the football team this year?"

I nodded my head.

"That's awesome!"

"Thank you!" I said, smiling.

Mrs.Summers shifted in her seat, looking straight into my eyes. "Dakota," she started in a business like tone. "From now on wards, our home is your home. What's ours is yours. If you need anything at all - anything - don't hesitate to ask one of us," she finished. "Isn't that right kids?"

"Yes, of course," nodded Adam, cutting a piece of chicken. Everyone's gaze shifted towards his stuck up twin sister, who, unlike her brother, just sat there glumly without saying a word.


"Mia?" asked Mr.Summers, narrowing his eyebrows. "Is there something you'd like to say?"

I quickly sized up Mia. She seemed very uncomfortable - like she'd rather be having any conversation other than this one.

"You can always approach me to ask questions," she finally grunted out, crossing her arms in annoyance.

"That's better," her dad nodded, sipping on his water.

I pondered over the thought of Mia. I didn't know whether her attitude towards me will ever change.

But then again, I didn't care.


My bedroom was pretty cool, if I do say so myself.

It was completely black and white themed - from the white bedside table to the black dresser, and the white closet to the black bouncy bed.

Heck, even the bathroom was black and white.

I know there's nothing special about the colors black and white, but I always found them pretty fascinating when you put them together. They seem to be complete opposites - white represents positivity and black represents negativity - but when you put them together, they balance each other out.

I sigh and jump onto my bed, ready for a good night's sleep. Tomorrow was Saturday, the first day of the weekend, and I was really looking forward to it.


Ding Dong.

The sound of the doorbell immediately jolted me awake, causing me to roll over and moan. I rubbed my eyes in annoyance and looked up at the clock.

Holy shit!

It was 11:30 a.m! I must've overslept way past my usual time.

Now everybody in this house is gonna think I'm a deep sleeper.

My thoughts suddenly got interrupted by the sound of footsteps thundering up the staircase.

"No, you don't understand!" a familiar voice shrieked. "He's not awake yet, and-"

My door suddenly bursts open to reveal a girl with wavy blonde locks, along with a boy with curly black hair, barging into my room. Mia and Adam were chasing them, fast on their heels.

"Crystal, Andrew, come back here!" cried Mia.

"Guys, you don't understand!" shrieked Adam. "Dakota needs his beauty sleep!"

"Umm...guys?" I asked, my voice thick from sleep. I was really confused. "I don't know who these people are, or what's going on here, but-

"Oh my God!!!" shrieked the girl with blonde locks, bouncing up and down in hysteria. "Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god!"

"I know!" shrieked the boy with black hair, joining the girl. "I got to witness the Dakota Williams, in the flesh, while he was still in bed!"

The Dakota Williams? People actually call me that?

"I am so sorry for all the ruckus Dakota," Adam apologized profusely. "But that's just how Mia's friends are. They're idiots with no manners."

"Hey!!!" All three of them cried in shock, looking seriously offended.

Especially the girl with blonde locks.

"Look, I'm sorry, but it's not my fault you guys act the way you do," said Adam, holding his hands up in surrender. "You gotta give Dakota some space man. He just woke up. Allow him to breathe, at the very least."

They puff their shoulders in ignorance, not listening to anything Adam was saying.

Adam looked desperate. "Come on, please."

They hesitated, but after a long silence, Blondie finally said, "Okay, fine. But only because you said so."

Mia raised her eyebrows in suspicion. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Blondie's cheeks turned scarlet. "N-Nothing," she stuttered.

"What?" asked Mia.

"Anyways," Adam cut in, seeming eager to change the subject. "We should probably let Dakota freshen up and get ready for breakfast."

Mia shifted. "But-"

"Come on Mia, let's go!" Blondie interrupted.

Mia hesitated, but after a moment of silence, she finally gave in. "Okay."

She turned to leave, but as soon as everyone else left, she turned back to me and said,"By the way, those were my friends, Crystal and Andrew."

And then she left.

I thought about this for a moment. What sucks the most about it, I felt, was that I kinda liked calling that other girl Blondie.

And now she has a name.



After I brushed my teeth and freshly took a shower, I walked downstairs wearing a brand new t-shirt and my favorite pair of ripped jeans. Humming a new song stuck in my head, I realized I left my phone in my bedroom, so I rushed back upstairs to get it.

I was just about to head into my room, when I heard voices coming from the common bathroom across the hall. Too curios to not eavesdrop, I tiptoe over to the bathroom and press my ear against the door, listening to the conversation.

"I can't believe Mia's still doing it," a voice whispered.

I recognized that voice. It belonged to Blondie. I mean Crystal.

"Still doing what?" another voice whispered back. It was the boy, Andrew.

"Still pretending like she doesn't care about Dakota, just so that she won't develop any feelings for him."

Wait...I thought, my eyes widening. What?!

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