That messing hickey

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*at home*

Y/n:hi mom
She comes up to you so you try to hide the hickey
Y/m:you had fun with Millie huh?
Y/m:and what's that?
Y/m:that hickey *you make a nervous laugh*
Y/m:I don't want those things on your skin
Y/n:okay mom sorry
Y/m:tell him *You roll your eyes and go to your room*

"finn my mom just found out the hickey"

F☕️:"is she mad at you?😙"

"she told me to tell you that she doesn't want those things on my skin😙"

F☕️:"sorry ahahaha❤️"

"but I love them"

F☕️:"me too"

You are chatting with finn, when you hear your mom calling your name
She yells:y/n!
Y/m:come downstairs *she yells*

You see your mom and your dad sit on the couch and you give them a weird look
Y/n:what's wrong?
Your mom shows you a photo of you with a hickey on your neck


Y/m:did you know it?
Y/n:who took the photo?
Y/d:someone at school evidently
Y/n:shit *you whisper*
Y/m:oh and can you see the comments?

You read them. They are totally not positives. Someone says that you are a whore and other stupid things
After seeing the photo that a fan page of st posted, you go to check Finn's tagged post and well...that photo has been posted by a lot of other fan pages, with negative comments.

You go to your room and lock the door.
You start to take long breathes, trying not to cry
Then you decide to call finn even if you don't know what to say
Finn: I saw what happened and don't...HUH don't move, I'm leaving now
Y/n:nononono don't d-

*he hangs up*

After about 3 minutes he knocks at your window and you open it
Y/n:Finn my parents are probably mad at you, why did you come?
Finn:listen it's my fault, only mine and you can't understand how much I feel sorry for this mess. I'll do something and-
You hear your phone ringing and see that it's Millie
You answer the call:millie
Millie:y/n what happened?
Y/n:I didn't do anything bad I swear, it's just that some people think I'm a slut just because I have a hickey of my boyfriend
Millie:I know darling but you have to understand that..yes that your boyfriend is Finn Wolfhard
Finn heard what Millie said and takes your phone

Finn:Millie do you hear yourself?
Finn:millie you-
Millie:I perfectly know that you are both worried or stressed with it, especially y/n-
Finn:but you didn't have to say that to her
Millie:but finn, isn't it true?
Y/n:Finn what?! *you hang up*

Finn:look! Turn off the notifications and- *someone knocks at your door*
Y/d:y/n open
Y/d:are you okay?
Y/n:yes but..I'm talking to Lauren at the phone
Y/d:okay but don't close the door
You whisper:Finn you have to get out
Finn:..why *you look at him for a second and start to cry covering your face*
Y/n:I didn't want this  *he hugs you*
Finn:it'll be okay, I promise you *he kisses your front head and clean your tears*
Finn:I promise you
You shake your head:how
Finn:I'll find a way I said that I promise you
You nod:okay
Finn:I have to go, tonight I'll be here okay?
Y/n:okay.. *he caresses your cheek and gives you a peck*

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