Something that i'll never regret

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Finn:uhm, before coming here..Dane came to mine
Your face changes:WHAT
Finn:wait..let me speak
Finn:he came to apologise with me and nick
Finn:and he said that he wanted to apologise with you too
Y/n:YOU KNOW MY ANSWER, what did you tell him?
Finn:y/n you should forgive him if you want the things to get better *you roll your eyes*
Finn:y/n...come on
Y/n:fuck you're right
Finn:so..he will tweet something and you will tweet something else as an answer
Y/n:it sounds easy..what will you do?
Finn:I will post an old video of us a while ago
Y/n:okay but..why do we do this?
Finn:well..he is not used to it, like you
Finn:people tormented him and someone wanted to report him
Y/n:I hope they did
Y/n:nothing, I got it
Y/n:I'll do it for you
Finn:You'll do the right thing *you smile*
Finn:where is Freddie?
You chuckle and take his hand:come with me
You go to Freddie's room and see him still playing fortnite
Freddie:hi finn! *he leaves the joystick and comes to you* How are you? *he says looking at Finn's bruises*
Finn:better, what were you playing?
Freddie:yes! Wanna join?
Finn looks at you:course!
You smile and sit on Freddie's bed. You take your phone and see the waited dane's tweet

"I've heard about what's on the Internet and I'm one of the protagonists. I'm sorry you all and especially the other people involved. I learnt my mistakes"

You tweet something on your account

"in the end you learn by mistake🤷‍♀️"

Then you sit on the floor with finn and Freddie
You rest your head on finn's shoulder and check if the fandom posted something about the tweets

You and Finn are laying on your bed
Y/n:Dane posted the tweet and so did I
Finn:oh right *he takes his phone and posts a video of Dane and him joking a while ago*
Finn:done *he makes a smirk*

Friday, 6pm (July)

-It's been 2 month and you are still with finn. Last week you marked 8 months and he gave you a really cute bracelet-

You go downstairs:yes?
Y/n:remember that we'll come back tomorrow at around 2pm. Freddie is at a friend of his's tonight so maybe you can call Lauren and ask her if their parents could have you for the night or I could call her mom
Y/n:oh it's not necessary..I'll arrange
Y/m:good, I wanna find you alive!
You laugh:bye
You go to your room and call finn
Finn:baby! *he says with a cute voice*
Y/n:I'm just telling you have plans tonight?
Y/n:because..I'm sleeping alone and..I'd be glad if you could come over...
Finn:i should ask *he tries to be serious*
Y/n:can't wait to see you!
He chuckles:yes me too
Y/n:good so it was a yes, 7 at mine?
Y/n:see you
He chuckles:bye

You hear the doorbell ringing so you go to open the door and see Freddie's friend and his mom
Y/n:hi *you smile at her* Freddie is finishing to get ready
F/f/m:perfect..what time are your parents coming back tomorrow?
Y/n:Mom told me at around 3pm
Freddie comes downstairs with his backpack done:hey Zack!
Z/m:do you need something? She told me you are sleeping alone tonight
Y/n:yes no problem, thanks for asking *you smile and so does she*
Freddie:bye! *he waves at you*
Y/n:bye! *you wave at them and close the door*
Then you go to tidy your bedroom and get ready

NO WAIT what are we going to eat? I only have vegetables and fruit in the fridge

Pizza? But I'm on a diet. But he doesn't know it. DING DONG! CHEATING DAY OF COURSE


F☕️:"you boast with me but in the end you can not even cook"

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